The resolution submitted by Mr. Belt, on Tuesday, to wit:
Resolved, That if the principle contained in the resolution
of the gentleman from Washington county be correct, in as-
serting that, under a republican system, population is the true
basis of representation, excluding all classes not endowed with
the right of suffrage, then the authors of the Constitution of
the United States, were uninformed of the principles of repub-
licanism, in that they admitted all free persons, and even a
large proportion of slaves as within the basis upon which the
States are represented in the Federal Congress;
Was taken up.
By general consent, the order was withdrawn by Mr. Belt.
Mr. Stockbridge submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the President of this Convention be request-
ed to increase the Committee on the Judiciary Department,
by adding thereto two members;
Which was adopted.
The President appointed Messrs. Thruston and Daniel^ in
accordance with the above order.
Mr. Sneary submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the State of Maryland, up-
on the order of the President of this Convention, pay to Alfred
Miller, who has been temporarily discharging the duties of
Page, the per diem and mileage allowed to the permanent
Pages, for the number of days of service which he may have
Which was adopted.
Mr. Purnell submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee to consider and report re-
specting the Elective Franchise, be instructed to inquire into
the expediency of incorporating into the Constitution an arti-
cle extending the right of suffrage to soldiers, drafted or en-
listed from this State into the service of the United States,
and who may be out of this State, and in the service of the
United States at the time of any election in this State, and
that the Legislature at its next session provide by law for the
holding an election in the regiments to which such soldiers
may belong, under such restrictions and regulations as may
be deemed necessary to guard the purity of the ballot-box;
Which was adopted.