Mr. Hebb submitted the following order:
Ordered. That the Committee on Accounts be requested to
fix the per diem and mileage of the officers of the Convention,
and report the same to the Convention for its action at as
early a day as possible;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Clarke submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary inquire how
far this Convention is limited in its powers by the existing
Constitution of the State, and the act of Assembly providing
for the call of the Convention, and report to this Convention
at as early a day as practicable;
Which was rejected.
The Convention adjourned.
WEDNESDAY, May 11th, 1864.
The Convention met.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Owen.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
The President laid before the Convention a communication
from the Executive, enclosing the returns of a special election
held in Charles county, for a delegate to the Convention;
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Elections.
The qualifications of E. P. Duvall, member elect from Mont-
gomery county, and Peregrine Davis, member elect from
Charles county, in the place of Frederick Stone, reclined,
were presented, and the gentleman named appeared and took
their seats.
Mr. Daniel submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Reverend Messrs. Davenport, Patterson,
McNemar and Owens, be requested to be present alternately,
at each of the sessions of this Convention, and open the same
with prayer;
Which was adopted.