Mr. Markey submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary inquire in-
to the expediency of giving to the Orphans' Courts of the sev-
eral counties and the city of Baltimore, jurisdiction over the
real estate of persons dying intestate where the valuation there-
of does not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Mayhugh submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Legislative Depart-
ment be directed to inquire into the expediency of providing
for the disposal of the incorporate stocks of the State;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Ridgely submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary, consider
whether by abolishing the fees of office, and the substitution
of some other mode of compensation, or otherwise, the char-
acter of the office of Justice of the Peace, may not be elevated
and the administration of the office to be made more efficient
and faithful;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Galloway, from the Committee on Accounts, submit-
ted the following
To the Honorable,
The Gentlemen of the Convention:
In compliance with the order of the Convention, the Com-
mittee on Accounts respectfully report, that after canvassing
the various duties assigned to each, they have allowed to each
officer the following sums, to wit:
To William R. Cole, Secretary, five dollars per diem and
To John H. Shaw, Assistant Secretary, five dollars per
diem and mileage.
To A. D. Evans, Sergeant-at-Arms, five dollars per diem
and mileage.
To each of the Committee Clerks, five dollars per diem
and mileage.
To each of the Post Masters, five dollars per diem and