Briscoe, Johnson, Ridgely,
Chambers, Jones, of Cecil, \ Robinette,
Clarke, Jones, of Som., Russell,
Dail, Kennard, Smith, of Dor.
Davis, of Charles, King^ Thomas,
Dennis, Lansdale, Wilmer—42.
Messrs. Farrow. Sands,
Abbott, _ Greene, Schley,
Annan, Hebb, Smith, of Carroll, *
Baker, Hopper, Sneary,
Brown, Keefer, Stirling,
Cunningham, Mullikin, Stockbridge,
Cushing, Murray, Swope,
Daniel, Negley, Sykes,
Davis, of Wash., Nyman, Valliant,
Dellinger, Parker, Wickard,
Earle, Pugh, Wooden—34.
Ecker, Purnell,
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the affirma-
Mr. Negley, from the majority of the Select Committee on
the 39th section of the Report of the Committee on the Le-
gislative Department, and amendments thereto, submitted
the following
The undersigned members of the Special Committe, to
whom was referred the 39th section in the Report of the
Committee on the Legislative Department, and the proposed
amendments thereto, beg leave to submit the following Ma-
jority Report, recommending the following as section 39^ in
the aforesaid Report:
Sec. 39. The Governor, Comptroller, and Treasurer, of the
State, are hereby authorized, conjointly, or any two of them,
to exchange the State's interest in the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Company, for an equal amount of the bonds or
registered debt now owing by the State, and subject to such
regulations and conditions as the General Assembly may
from time to time prescribe, to sell the State's interest in
the other works of internal improvement, whether as a
stockholder or a creditor, also the State's interest in any
Banking Corporation, and receive in payment the bonds and
registered debt, now owing by the State, equal in amount to