Dail, Mullikin, Sykes,
Daniel, Murray, Thomas,
Davis, of Wash'., Negley, Todd,
Dellinger, Nyman, Valliant,
Earle, Parker, Wickard,
Ecker, Pugh, Wooden—46.
Galloway, Purnell,
Messrs. Dennis, Lee,
Belt, Duvall, Marbury,
Berry, of P. Geo. Edelen, Mitchell,
Blackiston, Harwood, Miller,
Bond, Henkle, Morgan,
Briscoe, Hollyday, Parran,
Brown, Horsey, Peter,
Chambers, Johnson, Smith, of Dor.,
Clarke, Jones, of Som., Wilmer—28.
Davis, of Charles, Lansdale,
So the report was ordered to be engrossed for a third read-
Mr. Hopkins was excused from attending the sessions of
the Convention for a few days on account of sickness in his
Messrs. Clarke, Jones, of Somerset, Russell, Ridgely, Davis,
of Charles, Duvall, Edelen and Mitchell, were also excused
from attending the sessions of this Convention for a few days.
Mr. Thomas moved that when the Convention adjourns
to-day, it stands adjourned until Monday next, at 12 o'clock.
The question being on the adoption of the motion,
Mr. Daniel demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Edelen, Larsh,
Goldsborough, P't Galloway, Lee,
Audoun, Harwood, Marbury,
Barron, Hatch, Mitchell,
Belt, Henkle, Miller,
Berry, of P. Geo. Hollyday, Morgan,
Blackiston, Hopkins, Parran,
Bond, Horsey, Peter,