On motion of Mr. Stirling,
The consideration of the order was postponed until after
the appointment of the Standing Committees.
Mr. Daniel submitted the following order:
Ordered, That a copy of all documents printed for the use
of members of the Convention, be furnished to each of the
official reporters, and that the same be furnished to each of
the reporters of the press having seats upon this floor;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Scott submitted the following order:
Whereas, The City Council of Baltimore have tendered to
this Convention, free of cost, a Hall for our sessions; There-
fore, ordered, that we accept their generous offer, and adjourn
to that city as soon as the Convention are in receipt of infor-
mation that a suitable Hall is ready for our reception.
Mr. Berry, of Baltimore county, moved to lay the order on
the table.
The yeas and nays being ordered, appeared as follows:
Messrs. Miller, Earle, Hopkins,
Bond, Pugh, Sykes,
Henkle, Briscoe, Blackiston,
Stockbridge, Turner, Hollyday,
Stirling, Parran, Clarke,
Cushing, Dail, Berry, of P. Geo.,
Berry, of Balt, co., Johnson, Belt,
Ridgely, Smith, of Dor., Marbury,
Hoffman, Hodson, Lee,
Parker, Galloway, Brown,
King, McComas, Billingsley,
Ecker, Hopper, Morgan,
Wooden, Russel, Davis—39.
Messrs. Hebb, Swope, Dennis,
Thruston, Jones, of Cecil, Horsey,
Wickard, Scott, Valliant,
Robinette, Todd, Mullikin,
Hatch, Carter, Dellinger,
Kennard, Noble, Nyman,
Brooks, Keefer, Negley,
Barren, Schley, Mayhugh,
Daniel, Annan, Sneary,