Abbott, Baker, Smith, of Wor.,
Thomas, Cunningham, Purnell,
Audoun, Schlosser, Farrow,
Larsh, Crawford, Murray—41.
Smith, of Carroll, Gale,
So the question upon the motion to lay on the table, was
decided in the negative.
On motion of Mr. Schley,
The further consideration of the subject was postponed un-
til to-morrow at one o'clock.
Mr. Billingsley submitted the following order:
Ordered, That it be entered upon the Journal that John F.
Dent, a member elect from St. Mary's county to this Conven-
tion, is absent from his seat in consequence of the indisposi-
sion of his family;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Barron submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Secretary of this Convention procure an
iron safe, in which to deposit all the documents and papers
relating to the business of this Convention, in order to better
secure their safety;
Which was rejected.
Mr. Hoffman submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Librarian be directed to furnish each
member of the Convention with a copy of "American Con-
stitutions, " published by Lippincott, of Philadelphia, said
books to be returned to the Librarian at the close of the Ses-
sion of the Convention.
On motion of Mr. Daniel,
The question was divided.
The question being on the adoption of the first clause of
the order, viz., that the Librarian furnish the members of the
Convention with a copy of "American Constitutions, "
It was decided in the affirmative.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the latter
clause of the order, viz., "that the members return the books
to the Librarian, "
It was decided in the negative.
The Convention adjourned.