Mr. Baker submitted the following order:
Ordered, That one copy of the Convention Law be furnished
each member on Tuesday morning next, by the Librarian, and
also one copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Scott submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Librarian be required to furnish the
members and clerks of this Convention with gold pens;
Which was rejected.
The Convention adjourned.
TUESDAY, May 3rd, 1864.
The Convention met.
The proceedings of Thursday were read.
The qualifications of David C. Blackiston, of Kent county,
Chapman Billingsley, of St. Mary's county, John L. Thomas,
Jr., of Baltimore city, and Al ward Johnson, of Dorchester
county, were presented, and the gentlemen named appeared
and took their seats.
The following officers of the Convention, having qualified
before the Governor, entered upon the discharge of their du-
ties: John H. Shaw, Assistant Secretary, S. C. Gorrell and
William R. McCulley, Committee Clerks.
Mr. Daniel submitted the following order:
Ordered, That a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. Pugh,
of Cecil county, for the efficient manner in which he has dis-
charged the duties of temporary Secretary of this Convention;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Clarke submitted the following order:
Ordered, That a standing committee, to consist of seven
members, be appointed by the President of the Convention,
to consider and report respecting the appointment, tenure of
office, duties and compensation of all civil officers not em-
braced in the duties of other standing committees.