On Mr. Bowie's amendment, 749
On do do 751
On Mr. Stephenson's amendment as
amended, 752
On Mr. Magraw's motion for a re-
cess, 753
On reconsidering vote on the 11th
and 12th sections of the Judiciary
Report, 753
On Mr. Brown's resolution regulat-
ing debate generally, 758
On the amendment of Mr. Lee to
the Legislative Report, 761
On the amendment of Mr. Stephen-
son to said Report, 765
On Mr. Donaldson's amendment, 765
On the several branches of the
amendment of Mr. Sollers, 765, 766
On the adoption of the said amend-
ment as amended, 766
On the second branch of Mr. Spen-
cer's amendment, 768
On the amendment of Mr. Bowie, 769
On laying on the table the Order of
Mr. Howard concerning the final
disposition of the business of the
Convention, 781
On agreeing to the several branches
of the said order, 782
On the amendment to the Order con-
cerning compensation to the Chap-
lains, 783
On the Order of Mr, Jacobs to con-
sider the Report on Free Colored
Population, 784
On reconsidering the vote on the 33d
article of the Bill of Rights, 787
On the amendment of Mr. Cham-
bers, of Kent, to said bill, 788
On reconsidering vote of the Con-
vention striking out the amend-
ment of Mr, Chambers, of Kent,
to the Report on Representation, 789
On suspending the rules, 789
On Mr. Bowie's amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 801
On Mr. Bowie's amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 893
On postponing indefinitely Mr.
Smith's Report on Education, 810
On postponing the same to a day
certain, 812
On laying on the table the addition-
al article offered by Mr. Blaki-
stone concerning Education, 812
On laying on the table the addition-
al article offered by Mr. McHen-
ry concerning Education, 813
On the amendment of Mr. R. J.
Brent, 813
On laying on table the said proposi-
tion of Mr. McHenry, as amended, 813
On the first branch of Mr. Dorsey's
proposition concerning Officers
whose pay exceeds $3,000, 815
On laying on the table motion to
take up the Report on the Treas-
ury Department, 815 |
On re-considering the vote on the
substitute of Mr. Thomas in rela-
tion to the Districting System, 818
On the adoption of the said substi-
tute, 819
On the amendment of Mr, Chambers
(of Kent.) on the same subject, 820
On Mr. Johnson's amendment on
the same subject, 822, 823
On Mr. Bowie's amendment on the
same subject, 823
On Mr. Blakistone's amendment to
the article concerning the new
and old Constitutions, 827
On the fourth clause of the said ar-
ticle, 827
On Mr, Constable's amendment to
the Report concerning the Treas-
ury Department, 833
On Mr. Randall's amendment on
the same subject, 830
On Mr. Dorsey's amendment on the
same subject, 834
On Mr. Spencer's amendment con-
cerning the compensation of the
Secretary, 838
On the amendment of Mr. Morgan
to the Report of Mr. Tuck, con-
cerning certain Civil Officers, 839
On the Report and resolution in fa-
vor of John W. Rider, 841
On Mr. Blakistone's amendment to
Mr. Tuck's Report, concerning
certain Civil Officers, 843
On the fifth section of said Report
as amended, 843
On amendment to said Report, 848
On the amendment of Mr. Tuck, 488
On the amendment of Mr. Bowie, 849
On laying on the table Mr. Spen-
cer's motion to re-consider the
vote on the twenty-first section of
Judiciary Report, 850
On the motion to re-consider the
vote on the article prescribing the
mode of altering the Constitution, 850
On Mr. R. J. Brent's amendment to
the Legislative Report, 851
On Mr, Hicks' amendment on the
same subject, 851
On Mr, Bowie's amendment on the
same subject, 853
On Mr. Johnson's amendment on the
same subject, 855
On the amendment of Mr. Bowie to
the order of Mr. Thomas, respect-
ing the application to the Elective
Franchise Report of the general
order limiting debate, 855
On adjournment, 855
On the Report of Mr. Spencer con-
cerning the Printing and Report-
ing. 861
On the amendment of Mr. Stewart,
of Baltimore city, to the Elective
Franchise Report, 861
On Mr. Spencer's amendment on
the same subject, 861 |