On Mr. Dorsey's several amend-
ments, 863,864
On laying on the table the order of
Mr. McHenry, concerning mile-
age to the Officers of the Con-
vention, 864
On the indefinite postponement of
the said order, 865
On postponing indefinitely the Re-
port on Free Colored Population, 865
On laying on the table the order of
Mr. Sprigg, respecting compen-
sation to certain officers of the
Convention for extra services. 865
On postponing until the 1st day of
August the consideration of the
Report on Free Colored Popula-
tion, 865
On the substitute order of Mr.
Thomas concerning the signature
and publication of the new Con-
stitution, 866
On the order of Mr. Johnson as thus
amended, 866
On laying on the table the order of
Mr. Morgan for compensation to
George S. King for extra servi-
ces, 866
On the adoption of the said order, 867
On taking a recess, 867
On Mr. Spencer's amendment to
Mr. Constable's order concerning
compensation to Samuel Peacock
for extra services, 867
On laying the said order on the table, 867
On the adoption of the said order, 868
On laying on the table Mr. Bowie's
order, with the several amend-
ments thereto pending, concern-
ing compensation to certain offi-
cers of the Convention for extra
services, 868 |
On the order of Mr. Bowie for com-
pensation to William Hall for
extra services, 869
On Mr. Dorsey's motion to suspend
the rule, 870
On laying on the table Mr. John
Newcomer's motion to re-consider
the vote granting extra compensa-
tion to Samuel Peacock, 871
On postponing the consideration of
the said motion, 871
On postponing the consideration of
the order of Mr, Bowie concern-
ing extra compensation to Wm.
Hall, 871
On second ing the Previous Question, 872
On laying on the table the order of
Mr. McCubbin relating to extra
compensation to certain officers of
the Convention, 874
On laying on the table the order
concerning the per diem of the
President of the Convention, 874
On the adoption of the said order, 875
On the adoption of Mr. Ridgely's
order concerning mileage to cer-
tain officers of the convention, 875
On the twenty-eighth section of the
Judiciary Report, as amended by
the Revisory Committee, 876
On seconding the previous question, 882
On the adoption of Mr. Howard's
order concerning the engrossed
copy of the amended Constitution, 882
On adjournment, 883
On adjournment, 889
On the motion of Mr. Howard that
the engrossed constitution be
signed by the President of the
convention, and attested by the
Secretary thereof, 890 |
On page 108 of the Register, (quarto edition,) in the following remark of Mr. Thomas—"Our
Superior Court, especially, ought to be so organized as to establish for one party an abuse of
which many members of another party had experienced the advantages," the word "not" was
omitted before the words "to be so organized," thus perverting (he meaning of Mr. Thomas.
In the same page, in the sentence, "The organization of a Court with but one class of politi-
cians on the bench, had a tendency to foster and encourage practicing lawyers with reference alto-
gether to their legal knowledge," the word "with" before the word "reference" ought to be
And on the same page, in the sentence, "The Report from the Committee on the Judiciary
that proposed to abolish the revenue of the Orphans' Courts," the words " the revenue of" were
introduced out of place.