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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 600   View pdf image
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On re-considering the vote on Mr.
Presstman's amendment to the Leg-
islative Report, abolishing impris-
onment for debt, 608
On re-considering the vote on the
tenth section of the Judiciary Re-
port, 608
On re-considering the vote on the
amendment as to the number of
judges, 608
On ordering the previous question. 610
On the substitute amendment of Mr.
Chambers, of Kent, 611
On the substitute amendment of Mr.
Bowie, 613
On the adoption of the tenth section
of the said Report, 614
On taking a recess, 614
On Mr. Spencer's amendment, as
the eleventh section of the Judici-
ary Report, 615
On Mr. Spencer's amendment as
the twelfth section of the Judici-
ary Report, 615
On Mr. Spencer's amendment as
the thirteenth section of the Judi-
ciary Report, 616
On Mr. Crisfield's amendment, 616
On Mr. Schley's amendment, 617
On Mr. Johnson's amendment, 617
On adjournment, 618
On Mr. R. J. Brent's substitute
amendment to the Judiciary Re-
port, 619
On the amendment as amended, 620
On laying on the table the motion to
re-consider the vote on the pro-
viso of Mr. R. J. Brent to the
Legislative Report concerning
the School Fund, 621
On re-considering the vote adopting
Mr. Spencer's amendment, as the
eleventh section of the Judiciary
Report, 624
On agreeing to the said eleventh
section, 624
On re-considering the vote on the
thirteenth section of the Judiciary
Report, 626
On Mr. Spencer's amendment
thereto, 626
On Mr. Howard's amendment, 636
On Mr. Morgan's amendment, 637
On laying on the table Mr, Mi-
chael Newcomer's order for a
daily recess, 642
On amendment to the said order, 643
On re-considering the vote on the
amendment Of Mr. Morgan to
thirteenth section of the Judiciary
Report, 653
On the amendment of Mr. Stewart,
of Baltimore City, 658
On Mr. Gwinn's amendment, 659
On Mr. Dashiells' amendment, 660
On Mr. Harbine's amendment, 66
On the 12th section of the Judiciary
Report as amended, 661
On adjournment, 662
On re-considering vote on the 12th
section of the Judiciary Report, 699
On Mr, Buchanan's amendment to
said report, 699,700
On Mr. Shriver's amendment, 700
On re-considering the vote on Mr.
Grason's amendment to the Re-
port on Representation, 701
On laying on the table the motion of
Mr. Chambers, of Kent, to consid-
er his amendment to the Report
on Representation, 706
On considering the said amendment 706
On the motion of Mr. Thomas to re-
fer to a committee the several
pending propositions on the Re-
presentation Question, 708
On Mr. Jenifer's amendment to the
Report on Representation, 711
On the amendment of Mr. Johnson, 711
On adjournment, 712,713
On re-considering the vote on Mr.
Chambers' (of Kent,) amendment
to the Report on Represention, 712
On the amendment of Mr. Johnson, 722
On the several branches of Mr.
Chambers' (of Kent,) amendment
as amended, 723,724
On the amendment of Mr. Thomas, 726
On said amendment as an article of
the Constitution, 726
On adjournment, 726
On postponing the consideration of
Mr. Chambers' (of Kent,) motion
to re-consider the vote striking
out his amendment to the Report
on Representation, 727
On Mr. Lee's amendment to the Ju-
diciary Report, 728
On the amendment of Mr. Ridgely, 729
On the amendment of Mr. Howard, 730
On the amendment of Mr. Harbine, 731
On the amendment of Mr. Fitzpat-
rick, 731
On adjournment, 733
On Mr. Spencer's amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 735
On Mr. Stephenson's amendment, 736
On Mr. Thawley's amendment, 737
On Mr. John Newcomer's amend-
ment, 737
On the 21st section as amended, 740
On adjournment, 741
On amendment to the Order con-
cerning the bound copies of the
Register of the Debates of the
Convention, 742
On Mr. Dorsey's amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 743
On Mr. John Newcomer's amend-
ment, 745
On Mr. John Newcomer's amend-
ment, 746
On Mr. Shriver's amendment, 747

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 600   View pdf image
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