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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 599   View pdf image
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On the amendment of Mr. Randall
to said Report, 384
On the amendment of Mr. Hicks, 388
On considering the Report of Com-
mittee No. 14, concerning a Board
of Public Works, 389
On the amendment of Mr. Davis to
said Report, 448
On the amendment to said Report
as amended, 449
On the first article of said report
as amended, 449
On Mr. Bowie's appeal from the de-
cision of the Chair, 449
On the second article of the substi-
tute for the Report creating a
Board of Public Works, 449
On the third article of the substitute
for the Report creating a Board
of Public Works, 450
On the three several articles of said
Report, 450
On laying on the table Mr. Schley's
motion to re-consider the vote on
the adoption of the Report cre-
ating a Board of Public Works, 451
On Mr. Jacobs' amendment to said
Report, 451
On laying on the table Mr. Tuck's
amendment to said Report, 454
On seconding previous question, 459
On the amendment of Mr. Tuck to
the Report creating a Board of
Public Works, 459
On laying on the table Mr. Annan's
order closing the general debate
on the Judiciary Report, 486
On Mr. R. J. Brent's substitute for
the said order, 486
On Mr. Phelps' amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 487
On Mr. Crisfield's amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 492
On adjournment, 501
On Mr. Donaldson's amendment to
the Judiciary Report, 503
On Mr. Crisfield's amendment to
the Judiciary Report, 505
On Mr, Dorsey's amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 511
On Mr. Stephenson's amendment to
the Judiciary Report, 512
On Mr. Hicks' amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 512
On Mr. Dorsey's amendment, 512
On Mr. Dirickson's amendment, 513
On Mr. Sollers' amendment, 514
On Mr. Hicks' amendment, 536
On Mr. Thomas' amendment, 537
On Mr. Gwinn's amendment, 544
On the Report from the Committee
on Printing, with order to pay ad-
ditional sums to the Printer, 550
On Mr. Biser's amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 554
On Mr. R. J. Brent's amendments, 557
On Mr. Jacobs' amendment, 558
On re-considering Mr. Brown's
amendment to the Judiciary Re-
port, 558
On the fifth section of the said Re-
port as amended, 558
On Mr. Jacobs' amendment to the
Judiciary Report, 570
On postponing the order of the day, 578
On the amendment of Mr. Thomas
to the Judiciary Report, , 578
On the amedment of Mr. Bowie, 579
On the amendment of Mr. Thomas, 580
On the amendment of Mr. McMaster, 581
On the amendment of Mr. Miller, 581
On the first branch of Mr, Spencer's
amendment, 581
On the first branch of Mr. R. J.
Brent's amendment, 582
On the first branch of Mr. Crisfield's
amendment, 582
On Mr. Johnson's amendment, 583
On Mr. Harbine's amendment, 586
On re-considering the vote on the
first branch of Mr. Crisfield's
amendment to the said report, 588
On the amendment of Mr, Buchanan, 588
On the amendment of Mr. Crisfield, 589
On laying on the table the motion to
re-consider the vote on the second
branch of Mr. Crisfield's amend-
ment, 592
On the ninth section of the Judiciary
Report, as amended, 592
On Mr. Shriver's amendment, 593
On re-considering the vote on Mr.
Shriver's amendment, ' 594
On Mr. Johnson's amendment to the
said Report, 594
On Mr. Grason's amendment, 595
On the amendment of Mr. John Den-
nis, 595
On the amendment of Mr. Brown, 596
On Mr. Buchanan's resolution con-
cerning the pay of the pages of
the convention, 596
On suspending proceedings on a call
of the convention, 596
On ordering the main question to be
taken, 602
On the amendment of Mr. Bowie to
the Judiciary Report, 602
On the amendment of Mr. Michael
Newcomer, 602
On the tenth article of the Judiciary
Report, as amended, 602
On re-considering the vote on the
adoption of the last mentioned ar-
ticle, 603
On re-considering the vote on the
amendment as to the number of
judges, 604
On striking out three judges, 604
On the adoption of the tenth section
of the said Report, 604
On adjournment, 605

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 599   View pdf image
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