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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 598   View pdf image
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On first branch of Mr. Dorsey's
amendment, 146
On Mr, Tuck's amendment, 147
On adjournments, March 28th, 148-9
On dispensing with proceedings on
a call, 148-9
On sustaining the decision of the
chair, 149
On seconding previous question, 152
On reconsidering vote on Mr. Fiery's
amendment to Report on Repre-
sentation, 153
On Mr. Dent's amendment to said
report, 162
On Mr. Chambers', of Kent, do. 162
On Mr. Sollers' do. 163
On Mr. John Newcomer's do. 163
On Mr. Dorsey's do. 165
On Mr. Hopewell's do. 166
On Mr. Brent's, of Charles, do. 166
On Mr. Merrick's do. 168
On Mr. Gwinn's do. 168
On Mr. Dorsey's do. 169
On Mr. Fiery's do. 170
On Mr. Sollers' do. 173
On Mr. Brown's do. 174
On laying on the table Mr. Michael
Newcomer's order for evening
sessions, 176,180
On Mr. Howard's amendment to
said order, 180
On Mr. Crisfield's amendment to
Report on Representation, 184
On Mr. Dirickson's do. do. 184
On Mr. Carter's do. do. 185
On Mr. Tuck's do. do. 186
On Mr. Smith's do. do. 186
On Mr. Jenifer's do. do. 186
On adjournment, 187
On Mr. Dorsey's amendment to Re-
port on Representation, 196
On Mr. Jenifer's amendment to Re-
port on Representation, 197
On the several branches of Mr.
Thomas' amendment to Report on
Representation, 198
On Mr. Randall's amendment to Re-
port on Representation, 198
On Mr. Tuck's amendment to Re-
port on Representation, 198
On seconding the previous question, 199
On Mr. Grason's amendment to Re-
port on Representation, 199
On Mr. Grason's substitute for 2d
section of the Executive Report, 214
On Mr. Sprigg's amendment, 214
On seconding previous question, 239
On the substitute of Mr. Thomas for
the 5th section of the Executive
Report, 239
On Mr. Dorsey's substitute for the
5th section of the Executive Re-
port, 240
On the 5th section, as reported, 240
On the resolution of the Committee
on Printing, concerning the re-
porting of the Convention, 245
On agreeing to the report of the
committee relative to a division of
Allegany county, 254
On agreeing to Mr. Donaldson's sub-
stitute for the 3d section of the
Legislative Report, 254
On Mr. Donaldson's amendment to
said 3d section, 256
On striking out Mr. Bowie's amend-
ment concerning Senatorial dis-
tricts, 291
On the amendment of Mr. Stewart,
of Caroline, on the same subject, 291
On the amendment of Mr. R. J.
Brent, concerning the election of
C. S. Senators. 291
On laying on the table Mr. Stephen-
son's order concerning evening
sessions, 329, 330
On the adoption of the said order, 330
On reconsidering the vote on Mr.
John Newcomer's amendment to
23d section of the Legislative Re-
port, 333
On Mr. John Newcomer's amend-
ment to said section, 334
On the 23d section of said report as
amended, 339
On Mr. R. J. Brent's amendment
concerning school funds, 347
On Mr. Blakistone's amendment con-
cerning school funds, 347
On reconsidering vote on the article
creating Howard County, 348
On Mr. McHenry's amendment to
the Executive Report, in relation
to the veto power of the Gover-
nor, 355
On reconsidering the vote on the ar-
ticle of the Legislative Report,
concerning the compensation of
Clerks and Registers, 359
On the substitute of Mr. Robert J.
Brent for reports concerning fu-
ture changes of the Constitution, 365
On a motion to adjourn. 360
On laying on the table Mr. Ricaud's
resolution concerning the sessions
of the Convention, 367
On Mr. Blakistone's amendment to
said order, 367
On amendment of Mr. Hicks to re-
port concerning future changes in
the Constitution, 376
On Mr. Randall's Report concern-
ing future changes in the Consti-
tution, 378
On Mr. Fitzpatrick's Report con-
cerning future changes in the Con-
stitution, 378
On the adoption of the said Report, 379
On the substitute of Mr. Blackistone, 379
On ordering the previous question, 380
On the substitute of Mr. Sollers for
the amendment of Mr. Donald-
son to the Report concerning fu-
ture changes of the Constitution, 380

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 598   View pdf image
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