constitution, to make such contract or contracts as will extinguish
all existing lottery grants before the said first day of April, eighteen
hundred and fifty nine, and also secure to the State a clear yearly
revenue equal to the average amount derived by the State from the
system for the last five years; but no such contract or contracts
shall be valid until approved by the Treasurer and Comptroller.
Sec. 6. There shall be a commissioner of the Land Office elec
ted by the qualified voters of the State, at the first general election
of Delegates to the Assembly, after the ratification of this constitu
tion, who shall hold his office for the term of six years from the
first day of January next after his election. The returns of said
election shall be made to the Governor, and in the event of a tie
between any two or more candidates, the Governor shall direct a
new election to be held by writs to the several Sheriffs, who shall
hold said election after at least twenty days notice, exclusive of
time day of election, The said commissioner shall sit as judge of
the Land Office, and receive therefor the sum of two hundred dol
lars pet annum, to be paid out of the State Treasury. He shall
also perform the duties of the Register of the Land Office, and be
entitled no receive therefor the fees now chargeable by said office
and he shall also perform the duties of Examiner General, and
he entitled to receive therefor the fees now chargeable by said
officer. The office of Register of the Land Office and Examiner
General shall be abolished from and after the election and qualifi
cation of the Commissioner of the Land Office.
Sec. 7. The State Librarian shall be elected by the joint vote
of the two branches of the Legislature for two years, and until his
successor shall be elected and qualify. His salary shall be one
thousand dollars per annum. He shall perform such duties as are
now or may hereafter be prescribed by law.
Sec. S. The county authorities now known as Levy courts or
county Commissioners, shall hereafter be styled "county Commis
sioners," and shall be elected by general ticket, and not by dis
tricts, by the Voters of the several counties, on the first Wednesday
in November, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and on
the same day in every second year thereafter. Said commissioners
shall exercise such powets and duties only as the Legislature may
from time to time prescribe; but such powers and duties,and the ten-
ure of office, shall be uniform throughout the State, and the Le
gislature shall, at or before its second regular session, after the
adoption of this constitution, pass such laws as may be necessary
for determining the number for each county, and ascertaining and
defining the powers, duties, and tenure of office of said Commis
sioners; and until the passage of such laws the Commissioners
elected under this Constitution shall have and exercise all the pow
ers and duties in their respective counties, now exercised by the
county authorities under the laws of the State.
Sec. 9. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the
election of Road Supervisors, in the several counties, by the vu-