SEC. 3. The said Commisioners shall be elected by the quali
fied voters of their districts respectively; the returns of their elec
tion shall be certified to the Governor, who shall, by proclamation,
declare the result of the election. Two of the said commisioners,
first elected, shall hold their office for four years, and the other two
for two years from the first Monday of December next succeeding
their election. And at the first meeting after their election, or as
soon thereafter as practicable, they shall determine, by lot, who of
their' number shall hold their offices for feur and two years re
spectively; and thereafter there shall he elected as aforesaid, at
each general election of Delegates, two cotnmissiormers for the rerun
of four years, to be taken from the districts respectively, wherein
the commissioners resided at the time of their election, whose
term of service has expired. And in case of a vacancy in the
office of either of said commissioners, by death, resignation or
otherwise, the Governor by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, shall appoint some qualified person from the same
district, to serve until the next general election of Delegates, when
an election shall be held, as aforesaid, for a commissioner for the
residue of said term. And in case of an equal division in the
board of commissioners, on any subject committed to their charge,
the Treasurer of the State shall have power, and shall be called
on to decide the same. And in the event of a tie vote for any
two of the candidates for the office of commissioner in the same
district, it shall be the ditty of the Governor to commission one
or the other of the candidates having the equal number of votes.
And if the Governor doubt the legality or result of any election
held for said commissioners, it shall be his duty to send the re
turns of such election to the House of Delegates, who shall judge
of the election and qualification of the candidates at such election.
Sec. 4. During the continuance of the lottery system in this
State, there shall be elected by the legal and qualified voters of
the State, at every general election for delegates to the General
Assembly, one Commisioner's of Lotteries, who shall hold his of
fice for two years, and till the qualification of his successor', and
shall be re-eligible. His whole compensation shall be paid out of
the fund raised for the Maryland Consolidated Lottery grants, and
shall not exceed the amount of commissions received by
one of the present Lottery Commissioners, out of said fund; and
he shall give such bond for the faithful performance of his duties
as is now given by the Lottery Commissioners. The term of the
commisioner, who shall be elected at the general election for
Delegates next succeedimmg the adoption of this constitution, shall
commence at the expiration of the commisions of the present
Lottery commisioners, and continue for two years, and till the qua
lification of his successor.
Sec. 5. From and after the first day of April, eighteen hundred
and fifty-nine, no lottery scheme shall be drawn, for any purpose
whatever, nor shall any lottery ticket be sold in this State; amid it
shall be the duty of the severla comm issioners elected u nder this