ters of the election districts respectively, and may provide by law
for the election or appointment of such other county officers as
may be required, and are not herein provided for, and prescribe
their powers and duties; but the tenure of office, their powers and
duties, and mode of appointment, shall be uniform throughout the
Sec. 10. The qualified voters of each county, and the city of
Baltimore, shall, at the first election of delegates after the adop-
tion of this Constitution, and every two years thereafter, elect a
Surveyor for the counties, and the city of Baltimore respectively,
whose duties and compensation shall be the same, as are now pre
scribed by law for the county and city Surveyors, respectively, or
as may hereafter be prescribed by law. The term of office of
said county and city Surveyors respectively, shall commence on
the first Monday of January next succeeding their election. And
vacancies in said office of Surveyors, by death, resignation or re
moval from their respective counties, or city, shall be filled by the
Commissioners of the counties, or Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore respectively.
Sec. 11. The qualified voters of Worcester county shall, at the
first election of delegates after the adoption of this constitution,
apd every two years thereafter, elect a wreck master for said coun
ty, whose duties and compensation shall he the same as are now
prescibed or may be herafter prescribed by law. The term of
office of said wreck-master shall commence on the first Monday of
January next succeeding his election;; and a vacancy in said of
fice by death, resignation or removal from the county, shall be
filled by the county commissioners of said county, for the residue
of the term thus made vacant.
Section 1. That part of Anne Arundel county called Howard
District is hereby erected into a new county, to be called Howard
county, the inhabitants whereof shall have, hold and enjoy all
such rights and privileges as are held and enjoyed by the inhabi
tants of the other counties in this State; and its civil and muni
cipal officers, at the time of the ratification of this constitution,
shall continue in office until their successors shall have been elec
ted or appointed, and shall have qualified as such; and all rights,
powers and obligations incident to Howard District of Anne
Arundel county shall attach to Howard county.
Sec. 2. When that part of Allegany county, lying south and
west of a line, beginning at the summit of Big Back Bone or Sav
age Mountain, where that mountain is crossed by Mason and Dix
on's line, and running thence by a straight line to the middle of Sav
age River, where it empties into the Potomac liver; thence by a
straight line, to the nearest point or boundary of the State of Vir
ginia;; then with said boundary to Fairfax stone, shall contain a
population of ten thousand, and the majority of electors the reof