deuce intended to replace another shall be issued until the old one
shall be delivered to the Treasurer, and authority executed in due
form for the transfer of the sante shall be filed in his office, and the
transfer accordingly made on the books thereof, and the certificate
or other evidermce cancelled; huc the Legislature may make provision
for the loss of certificates or other evidence of the debt.
SEC. 4. The Treasurer shall render his accounts quarterly to the
Comptroller; and on the third day of each session of the Legisla
ture he shall submit to the Senate and House of Delegates fair and
accurate copies of all accounts by him from time to time rendered
and settled with the Comptroller. He shall at all times submit to
the Comptroller, the inspection of the moneys in his hands, and per
form all other duties that shall be prescribed by law.
SECTION 1. At the first general election of delegates to the
General Assembly, after the adoption of this constitution, four
commissioners shall be elected as hereinafter provided, who
shall be styled "Commissioners of Public Works;" and who shall
exercise a diligent and faithful supervision of all Public Works,
in which the State may be interested as stockholder or creditor,
and shall represent the State in all meetings of the Stockholders,
and shall appoint the Directors in every Rail Road or Canal
company, in which the State has the constitutional power to ap
point Directors. It shall also lie the duty of the commisioners
of Public Works to review, from time t time, the rate of tolls
adopted by any company; use all legal powers which they may
possess, to obtain the establishment, of rates of tolls, which may
prevent an injurious competition with each other, to the detriment
of the interests of the State; and so to adjust them as to promote
the Agriculture of the State. It shall, also, he the duty of the
said commissioners of Public Works, to keep a Journal of
their proceedings; and at each regular session of the Legisla-.
Lure, to make to it a report, and to recommend such legislation as
they shall deem necessary and requisite to promote or protect the
interest of the State in the Public Works; and perform such other
duties as may be prescribed by law. They shall each receive such
salary as may be allowed by law, which shall trot be increased or
diminished during their continuance in office.
SEC. 2 For the election of the Commissioners of Public
Works, the State shall he divided into four districts. The
counties of Alleghany, Washington, Frederick, Carroll, Balti
more and Harford, shall constitute the first district. The coun
ties of Montgomery, Howard, Anne Arundel, Calvert, St. Mary's,
Charles and Prince George's, shall constitute the second district.
Baltimore city shall constitute the third District. The counties
of Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester,
Somerset and Worcester, shall constitute the fourth district One
commissioner shall be elected in each district, who shall have
been a resident thereof at least five years next preceding his