SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the court of appeals,
and of the Commissioner of the Land Office, respectively, whenever
a case shall be brought into said court or office, in which the State
is a party, or has an interest, immediately to notify the Governor
SECTION 1. There shall be a Treasury Department, consisting of
a Comptroller, chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at each
election of members of the House of Delegates, who shall receive
an annual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars; and of a
Treasurer, to be appointed by the two Houses of the Legislature,
at each session thereof, on joint ballot, who shall also receive an
annual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars; and neither
of the said officers shall be allowed or receive any fees, commis
sions, or perquisites of any kind, in addition to his salary, for the
performance of any duty or service whatever. In case of a vacancy
in either of the offices, by death or otherwise, the Governor, by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall fill such vacancy
by appointment, to continue until another election by the people,
or a choice by the legislature, as the case may be, and the qualifica
tion of the successor. The Comptroller and the Treasurer shall
keep their offices at the seat of government, and shall take such
oath, and enter into such bonds, for the faithful discharge of their
duties, as the Legislature shall prescribe.
Sac. 2. The Comptroller shall have the general superintendence
of the fiscal affairs of the State; he shall digest and prepare plans
for the improvement and management of the revenue, and for the
support of the public credit; prepare and report estimates of the
reveimue and expenditure of the State; superintend and enforce
the collection of all taxes and revenue; adjust, settle and preserve
all public accounts; decide on the forms of keeping and stating ac
counts; grant, under regulations prescribed by law, all warrants for
moneys to be paid out of the treasury, in pursuance of appropria
tions by law; prescribe the formalities of the transfer of stock or
other evidences of the State debt, and countersign the same, with
out which such evidences shall not be valid; he shall make full reports
of all his proceedings, and of the state of the Treasury Department,
within ten days after the commencement of each session of time
Legislature, and perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by
Sac. 3. The Treasurer shall receive and keep the moneys of
the State, and disburse the same upon warrants drawn by the
Comptroller, and not otherwise; he shall take receipts for all
moneys paid by him, and all receipts for moneys received by him
shall he endorsed upon warrants signed by the Comptroller, without
which warrant, so signed, no acknowledgement of money received
into the Tresury shall be valid; and upon warrants issued by the
Comptroller he shall make arrangements for the payment of the
interest of the public debt, and for the purchase thereof, on account
of time sinking fund. Every bond, certificate, or other evidence of
the debt of the State, shall he signed by the Treasurer and coun
tersigned by the Comptroller, amd no new certificate or other evi