Costs of the present Judiciary ofMaryland under
the Old Constitution, as estimatedby the Judiciary
committee :—
12 Asscciate Judges of CountyCourts at $1400 per
annum, - $16,800
6 Chief Justices of County Courtsat $2200 per
annum 13,200
1 Chief Judge of Court ofAppeals, extra pay al
lowed by law - - 300
Extra pay allowed by law toJudges of Baltimore
county and city - - 8,000
The Chancellor's salary 3,000
66 Judges of Orphans' courts inthe counties and
city of Baltimore, at an averageby actual returns
of $300 to each Judge i 19,800
Salary to the Commissioners ofinsolvent Debtors
for the city of Baltimore, at$2,000 to each - 6,000
Salary of the Judges of Baltimorecity court - 4,100
Total costs of the present system,- $71,200
Costs of the Judiciary System reported from the
Committee on the Judiciary under the New Consti
tution :—
3 Judges of the Court of Appeals at $2500 to each $ 7,500
20 Judges of County Courts at $2000 40,000
4 Judges of Law and Equity for Baltimore city at
$2500 to each - - 10,000
1 Judge for Orphans' court business for the city of
Baltimore at $2000 - - - 2,000
1 Police Court Judge for Baltimore city - 1,500
Total costs of system under new constitution, $61,000
Add for one Judge for Howard county - 2,000
_________ _________________________ $63,000
Costs of the System, as here proposed:——
4 Judges of Court of Appeals at $2500, - $10,000
b Judges of Inferior Judicial Districts at $2000, 15,000
8 Chancellors for the 8 districts at $2000, 16,000
4 Judges of Law and Equity for Baltimore city at
$2500, - - 10,000
1 Judge for Orphans' court for same, at $2000, 2,000
1 Police Court J udge for Baltimore city, 1,500