At half past 3 o'clock, P. M.,
On motion, the Convention adjourned until to-morrow morn
ing 9 o'clock.
WEDNESDAY, April 23rd, 1851.
The Convention met.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Graff
The proceedings of yesterday, were read.
Mr. Wells, informed the Convention that lie had received a
communication from his colleague, Judge Dorsey, desiring him to
state to the Convention, that he was compelled by indisposition to
ret ui-n home, but that he would resume his seat in the Convention,
at the earliest period he could do so.
Mr. Spencer, gave notice that at the proper time he should offer
the following amendments to the report submitted by Mr. Bowie,
as chairman of the committee on the Judiciary, which he desired
to be entered upon the record
"Sec. 9. This State shall be divided into eight Judicial districts
exclusive of the city of Baltimore, in manner and form following,
to wit: Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester counties shall be the
first district; Caroline, Talbot and Queen Anne's counties shall be
the second district; Kent, Cecil and Harford counties shall be the
third district; Allegany and Washington counties shall be the
fourth district; Frederick and Montgomery counties shalE be the
fifth district; Baltimore and Carroll counties shall be the sixth dis
trict; Prince George's, Charles and St. Mary's counties shall be
the seventh district; Calvert, Anne Arundel and Howard counties,
shall he the eighth district; and one person of integrity and sound
judgment in the law, who shall have been a citizen of this State
at least five years, and a resident of the district, and not above the
age of seventy years, shall be elected from each of said districts,
by a majority of the legal and qualified voters therein, as a Judge
of the county court for said district, who shall hold his office for
the term of ten years from the time of his election, or until he
shall have attained the age of seventy years, whichever may first
happen, and be re-eligible thereto until he shall have attained the
age of seventy years, and not after; and the county courts, so as
aforesaid established, shall have, hold and exercise in the several