a grand jury, and conviction of a petit jury of said judicial dis
trict, or by the Governor, upon address of the General Assembly
two thirds of the members of each house concurring in such ad
Sec. 22. There shall be a Chancellor elected for each of the
inferior Judicial Districts, whose term of office, qualifications and
salary shall be the same as is herein provided for the Judges of the
inferior Judicial Districts, and who shall be elected in the same
manner, and removable for same causes.
Sec. 23. The Chancellor shall have and exercise the equity
jurisdiction now exercised by the county courts sitting as courts of
equity, in the several counties for which he shall have been elected.
He shall hold his courts at such time and place as are now pre
scribed or may hereafter be provided for by law. He shall have
jurisdictions in all applications for the benefit of the insolvent laws
within his district of this State, and the supervision and control of
the trustees thereof.
Sec. 24. The Chancellor elected for each of the Inferior Judi
cial Districts shall be Judge of the Orphans' court of each county
in their respective district, who shall have all the powers now vest
ed in the Orphans Courts of the several counties of this State,
subject to such regulations as the Legislature may hereafter estab
lish. It shall be the duty of the Chancellor or Judge of the Or
phans court to attend at least six times in every year, and oftener
when the business of the county may require it, to examine into
and discharge the duties as Judge of the Orphans court for each
county in his district, as are now or hereafter may be provided for
by law. He shall examine into and revise the proceedings of the
register of wills of each county, establish such rules and orders,
not inconsistent with the law, as may tend to facilitate the business of
the court.
Sect. 25. There shall be a Register of Wills for the Orphans
Court of each county in the State, who shall be elected by a plu
rality vote of the legal voters cf the county, who shall discharge the
duties now or which may hereafter he required by law, whose term
of office, qualifications, manner of election, and removal shall be
the same as those herein provided for the clerks to the courts of the
said counties. He shall also discharge the duties of register in
chancery in such manner as may be required by law. The legis
lature shall provide a suitable annual salary in lieu of fees and
perquesites as at present exists.
Sec. 26. The High Court of Chancery shall continue as at pre
sent established, with such modifications as may be wade by law,
until the year 1860.