The question again recurred or the motion of Mr. John New
comer, to take a recess until six o'clock, P. M.
Mr. John Newcomer, withdrew his motion to take a recess.
At 5 o'clock, P. M.,
Mr. Sollers, moved the Convention adjourn;
r. Thomas, moved the question be taken by yeas and nays,
and being ordered, appeared as follows
A FFIRMATIVE—Messrs. Chapman, Pres't, Blakistone, Hope-
well, Ricaud, Lee, Mitchell, Dorsey, Wells, Randall, Kent,
Weems, Dalrymple, Bond, Sollers, John Dennis, Crisfield, Hicks,
Phelps, Bowie, Sprigg, McCubbin, Bowling, Dirickson, McMas-
ter, Hearn, Fooks, Johnson and Kilgour —28.
NEGATIVE-----Messrs. Jenifer, Howard, Buchanan, Bell, Welch,
Chandler, Ridgely, Lloyd, Colston, Chambers, of Cecil, Miller,
McLane, Spencer, George, Wright, Thomas, Sluiver, Gaither,
Biser, Annan, Stephenson, McH enry, Magraw, Nelson, Hard
castle, Gwinn, Stewart, of Balt, city, Brent, of Balt, city, Sher
wood, of Balt. city, Presstman, Ware, Fiery, John Newcomer,
Harbine, Michael Newcomer, Brewer, Anderson, Weber, Holly-
day, Slicer, Parke, Shower, Cockey and Brown—44.
So the Convention refused to adjourn.
On motion of Mr. Kilgour,
The Convention was called.
Mr. Bown, moved that further proceedings under the call be
dispensed with.
Mr. Kilgour, moved the question be taken by yeas and nays,
and being ordered appeared as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE----Messrs. Chapman, Pres't, Donaldson, Sellman,
Buchanan, Lloyd, Colston, Chambers, of Cecil, Miller, George,
Thomas, Shriver, Gaither, Biser, Annan, Sappington, McHenry
Magraw, Nelson, Thawhey, Stewart, of Caroline, Gwinn, Stew-
art, of Balt. city, Brent, of Balt. city, Sherwood, of Balt. city,
Presstman, Ware, John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael Newcomer,
Brewer, Anderson, Weber, Slicer, Parke, Cockey and Brown—36.
NEGATIVE—MeSsrs. Morgan, Blakistone, Hopwell, Lee, Mitch
ell, Dorsey, Wells, Randall, Bond, Jenifer, Bell, John Dennis,
James D. Dennis, Hicks, Phelps, Bowie, Tuck, Sprigg, McMas
ter, Fooks, Jacobs, Fiery, Kilgour and Smith—24.
So tie Convention dispensed with further proceedings under,
the call.
At a quarter past 5 o'clock, P. M.,
Mr. Kilgour, moved the Convention adjourn,
And moved the question be taken by yeas and nays, which
being ordered, appeared as follows
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. Morgan, Blakistone, Dent. Hopewell,