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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 30   View pdf image
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President, viva voce, and that the Chair entertain no debate or a
motion to adjourn, until a President is elected.
Mr. Jenifer, moved that the vote on his resolution when taken,
be by yeas and nays.
Mr. Sollers, moved to strike out the words "viva voce," and in
sert "by ballot."
Determined in the negative.
Mr. Brown, called for a division of the question.
The vote being on the first branch of the proposition, to wit:
that this Convention now proceed to elect a President viva voce;
Which was determined in the affirmative.
The question recurring on the second branch of the resolution,
to wit: and that the Chair entertain no debate or a motion to ad
journ until a President is elected;
Mr. Phelps, moved to strike out the words "or a motion to ad
journ," which was accepted.
The question recurring on the proposition as amended, was
Determined in the affirmative.
Mr. Sollers, nominated William Grason, as President of the Con
Mr. Grason, withdrew his name as President of the Convert
The Convention proceeded to vote for a President, when the
Tellers reported the following result:
Blakistone. Brent, of Charles, Bowie
Lee Dennis, Johii Tuck
Chambers, of Kent, Dennis, James U. Sprigg
Donaldson Dashiell Bowling
Dorsey Williams Hearn
Wells Hicks Fooks
Randall Hodson Schley
Kent Goidsborough Neill
Dalrymple Eccleston Kilgour—27.
Sellman McCullough Presstman
Jenifer Grason Ware
Lloyd McHenry Newcomer, Michael
Dickinson Stewart, of Caroline, Anderson
Sherwood, of Talbot, Gwinn Hollyday
Constable Stewart, of Balt. city, Shower
Chambers, of Cecil, Brent, of Balt, city, Brown—22.
Ridgely Sappington Fiery
Shriver Stephenson Slicer
Gaither Magraw Ege
Biser Nelson Cockey—14.
Annan Thawley


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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 30   View pdf image
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