Mr. Sellman, offered the following as a substitute for the order
of Mr. Bowie
Resolved, That this Convention suspend voting for a perma
nent presiding officer, and that it proceed at once to select by ballot
the following committees, viz
A committee on Elections and Privileges, to consist of nine
members, including its chairman.
A committee on the Judicial Department of Government, to
consist of eleven members, including its chairman.
A committee on the Legislative Department of Government, to
consist of eleven members, including its chairman.
A committee on the Executive Department of the Government,
to consist of eleven members, including its chairman.
And be it further resolved, That each committee thus selected,
have the exclusive power of appointing its own chairman.
Mr. Sollers, offered the following as a substitute for the same:
Resolved, that a committee of twenty-one be appointed by the
Chairman, to take into consideration the mode of taking up and
proceeding in the business of the Convention.
Mr. Morgan, moved that the House take a recess until four
Determined in the negative.
Mr. McHenry moved that the House take a recess until 5
o ‘clock.
Determined in the negative.
Mr. Dorsey, moved that the House adjourn until tomorrow 12
Determined in the affirmative,
And the Convention accordingly adjourned until to-morrow 12
TUESDAY, November 12th, 1850.
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment.
Present the same members as on yesterday.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Griffith.
The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Mr. Ricaud, withdrew the name of John G. Chapman, as Pre
sident of the Convention.
Mr. Howard, withdrew his name from nomination as President
of the Convention.
Mr. Jenifer, offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That the House now proceed to the election of a