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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 31   View pdf image
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Sollers Phelps George
Howard McLane Wright—S.
Coiston Spencer
FOR JAMES L. RIDGELY.—Johnson, Haibine, Weber, Fitz
FoR JAMES M. BUCHANAN. —Bell, Welsh, Chandler, Parke—4.
FOR GEORGE SCHLEY.—Dent, Newcomer, John; Smith—3,
FOR THOMAS F. BOWIE —Morgan, Ricaud—2.
FOR WILLIAM H. TUCK.—Hopewell, Jacobs—2.
FOR JAMES B. Bond---1.
FOR THOS. H. HICKS.—Dirickson—1.
FOR A. R. S0LLERS.—Weems—1.
FOR W. A. SPENC ER.—Hardcastle—1.
FOR DAVID STEWART.—Sherwood, of Bal. city,—l.
And that no majority appearing no election was had.
Mr. Brent, of Baltimore city, offered the following resolutions:
Resolved, That if a President shall not be elected at or before
the fourth count of votes hereafter made, then the fifth count shall
be confined to the two highest candidates, as they may appear on
said fourth count, and in making the fifth count, no votes shall be
counted except those which may be cast for one of said two highest
Resolved, That the candidate having the majority of votes as
received and counted on the fifth count of votes, be and he is
hereby declared to be President of this Convention.
Resolved, That the resolution heretofore passed, requiring a
majoirty of all the votes cast for the election of a President, be
and the same is hereby rescinded, so far as the same is irconsis
tent with these resolutions.
Mr. Gwinn, offered the following resolution as a substitute:
Resolved, That after the next ballot, all the persons save the
four who shall receive the largest number of votes, shall be dropped,
and no vote shall be counted which is not cast for some one of the
said four persons so voted for; and that after the second vote, the
name of the person receiving the lowest number of votes shall be
also dropped, and no vote shall be counted other than those given
for the three persons then before the Convention; and that after
the third vote, the name of the person who shall receive the low-
est number of votes in the said preceding vote, shall be also drop.
ped and no vote shall be hereafter counted which is not cast for
one or the other of the two persons then remaining before the
Convention; and that on the fourth vote, that one of the said two
persons who shall feceive the highest number of the votes su cast
shall be declared the choice of this Convention.

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 31   View pdf image
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