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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 28   View pdf image
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Howard Welsh Stephenson
Buchanan Chandler Hardcastle
Bell Sappington Brent, of Balt.—9.
Johnson Harbine Slicer
Gaither Weber Fitzpatrick—6.
Ridgely Magraw Ege—5.
Annan Nelson
FOR Louis MCLANE .—Jeni fer, McHenry—2.
And that no majority appearing no election was had.
Mr. Sollers, offered the following order
Ordered, That the Chair appoint a committee of six, consisting
of three whigs and three democrats, who shall report some plan
for the organization of the Convention.
Mr. Morgan, moved to lay it on the table.
Mr. Dorsey, raised the question of order whether it was compe
tent for the gentleman from Calvert to renew his motion, after the
House had determined to lay it On the table, before the House
should reconsider its vote laying it on the table.
The Chair decided the resolution offered by the gentleman from
Calvert to be out of order.
Mr. Bowie offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That the order adopted by this Convention to pro
ceed to the election of a President, viva voce, be rescinded.
Mr. Constable moved to lay the resolution on the table;
Determined in the affirmative.
Mr. Brown moved that the House adjourn until to-morrow at
12 o'clock.
Mr. Jenifer moved that the question be taken by yeas and nays;
Determined in the negative.
The vote recurring on the motion to adjourn, it was
Determined in the negative.
Mr. Ricaud offered the following order:
Ordered, That no motion shall be in order except a motion to
proceed to vote viva voce for President, until a President shall he
elected, except a [notion to adjourn, and a motion to reconsider
the vote of the House, ordering the election of President by viva
voce vote, which motion shall be decided without debate.
Mr. Davis, moved that the House adjourn until to-morrow 10
Mr. Jenifer, moved that the question be taken by yeas and nays.
Mr. Morgan, moved to insert 12 o'clock.
The House refused to order the yeas and nays.
The vote recurring on the amendment, it was
Determined in the negative.
The vote then recurred on the original motion, to wit : to ad-
journ to to-morrow 10 o'clock, which was
Determined in the negative.


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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 28   View pdf image
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