Anderson, Weber, Slicer, Smith, Parke, Shower, Cockey and
So the order was laid on the table.
The President announced that the question before the Conven
tion was the motion of Mr. Stewart, of Caroline, pending on
Satut day last, to reconsider the vote of the Convention upon the
resolution authorising the committee on Printing to employ a
Mr. Merrick, moved that the consideration of the same be post
poned until to-morrow.
On motion of Mr. Phelps,
The Convention was called.
On motion of Mr. Parke,
Further proceedings under the call was dispensed with.
The question was then put on the motion of Mr. Merrick, to
postpone the consideration of the motion of Mr. Stewart, of Caro
line until to-morrow, at-rd
Determined in the affirmative.
The hour of 12 o'clock having arrived, the Convention in
accordance with the order adopted on yesterday, proceded to
he Senate Chamber, and witnessed the Inauguration of the
Honorable E. Louis Lowe, the Governor elect.
The President with the rest of the members returned and
resumed tine Chair.
Mr. Jenifer, submitted the following resolution:
Resolved, That the President request of the Governor a copy
of his Inaugural Address delivered this day in the Senate Cham
ber in the presence of this Convention, and that
copies be printed for tine use of the Convention.
Which was read.
On motion of Mr. Presstman,
The blank in said resolution was filled with "five thousand;"
The said resolution was then adopted.
On motion of Mr. Jenifer,
The Convention adjourned until to-morrow morning 11 o'clock.