TUESDAY, January 7th, 1851.
The Convention met, (a quorum being present.)
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Griffith.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
The President laid before the Convention a report from the
register of wills for Caroline county, in obedience to the order of
the Convention of the 15th of November, in relation to the re
ceipts and expenses of his office
Which was read and referred to the committee on the Judi
Also, laid before tine Convention a report from the clerk to the
levy cottit of Caroline county, relative to the amount of fees and
perquisites allowed the Deputy Attorney General by the levy court
of said county;
Which was read and referred to the committee appointed on
the Attorney General and his Deputies.
Also, a communication from the Secretary of State-of the State
of New York, and a communication from the Governor of the
State of Iowa, covering the statutes of the respective States, rela
ting to common schools;
Which were severally read and referred to the committee on
The President announced the appointment of the following
standing Committee, upon the order submitted by Mr. Jacobs, in
relation to the " Free Colored Population:"—Messrs. Jacobs,
Sprigg, Sellman, Crisfield, Brown, Kilgour and Carter.
The President laid before the Con vention the following communi
cation from the President of the Indiana Constitutional Convention:
INDIANAPOLIS, IN., Dec. 30th, 1850.
Hon. J. G Chapman, President
Constitutional Conventicn of Maryland
Sir,—Your com municat ion enclosirng a copy of a report and re
solutiorrs adopted by said Convention relative to the compromise
acts passed by Congress at its lest session, has been received by
me, and presented to the Constitutional Convention of Indiana;
whereupon, the Convention adopted the following resolution, viz:
Resolved, That the President acknowledge the receipt of the
resolutions just received from the Constitutional Convention of
Maryland, and that he transmit to the President of said Conven
tion the resolutions heretofore passed by this Convention relative
to the series of acts usually called "the compromise acts passed at
the last session of Congress."
In obedience to the said resolution I herewith enclose to you a
copy of the aforesaid resolutions.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully yours,
G. W. CARR, Pres. Ia.
Const'l Conv'n.
WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States passed at its last
session, a series of Acts, commonly called the Compromise mea