So the resolution was rejected.
The Presideni informed the Convention, that he had been re
quested by the Governor, to ask the Convention to witness the in
auguration of Hon. E. Louis Lowe, the Governor elect.
On motion of Mr. Bowie, it was
Ordered, That this Convention will attend in a body, the in
auguration of the Governor elect, on Monday next at 12 o'clock.
Mr. Stewart, of Caroline, moved to reconsider the vote of the
Convention upon:the resolution rejected yesterday, authorising the
committee on Printing to employ a Reporter.
Pending the question upon this motion,
Mr. McLane moved that the Convention adjourn,
Determined in the affirmative.
And the Convention accordingly adjourned until Monday morn
ing 1 o'clock.
MONDAY, January 6th, 1851.
The Convention met, (a quorum being present.)
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Griffith.
The proceedings of Saturday were read.
The President laid before the Convention a report from the
Register of Wills for Prince George's county, in obedience to the
order of the Convention of the 15th November, in relation to the
receipts and expenses of his office.
Which was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Smith, submitted the following order:
Ordered, That fronr and after tomorrow, this Convention will
meet at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Which was twice read.
Mr. Tuck, moved to lay said order on the table.
Mr. Smith, moved that the question be taken by yeas and nays,
which being ordered, appeared as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.---Messrs. Chapman, President. Morgan, Blakis
tone, Ilopewell, Ricaud, Randall, Sellman, Weems, Sollers,
Merrick, Jenifer, Bell, Welch, Lloyd, Dickinson, Sherwood, of
Talbot, Hodson, Goldsborough, Phelps, McLane, Bowie, Tuck,
Sprigg, McCubbin, Bowling, Presstman, Ware, Davis, Kilgour
and Waters—30.
NEGATIVE.—Messrs. Hicks, Grason, Wright, Dirickson, Me
Master, Jacobs, Gaither, Sappington, Stephenson, Nelson, Stewart,
of Caroline, Gwinn, Stewart, of Baltimore city, Schley, Fiery,
Neill, John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael Newcomer, Brewer,