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Session Laws, 1799
Volume 100, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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    BENJAMIN OGLE, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.                             NOVEMBER.                        1799.

whole of the votes of the several districts in their county, and make out, in writing, under their
hands and seals, the number of votes for each candidate, and shall make return thereof as is now re-
quired of the sheriff in like cases; provided nevertheless, that where any county now is or hereafter
shall be divided for the purpose of choosing such representative of elector, and any part thereof is or
shall be attached to any other county or counties for such purpose, in ever such case the judges of
the district or districts included within such part of any county, and herein before designated for the
purpose of assembling, shall assemble together at the court-house of such county as herein before re-
quired, with the books of the polls for such district or districts, and shall cast up as aforesaid the
whole of the votes thereof, and make out and return certificates in like manner as is herein before
directed for the judges of all the districts of any other county, when assembled as aforesaid; and pro-
vided also, that if at the time appointed for the assembling of the said judges respectively, any of
them shall be prevented from attending with the books of the polls, the judge or judges who shall as-
semble may adjourn as aforesaid until the whole of the votes shall be collected together as aforesaid,
and immediately thereafter the said judges respectively shall proceed to perform the duties required
as aforesaid.

XVII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any candidate, or other person or persons, shall practise
force and violence, with intent to influence unduly, or to overaw, interrupt or hinder any election
to be held in virtue of this act, every person so offending shall, on conviction thereof in the county
court of the county wherein such offence shall be committed, suffer such fine, note exeeding two
hundred and fifty dollars, or such imprisonment, not exceeding sixty days, as the court in their dis-
cretion shall adjudge.

XVIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any candidate, at an election to be held in virtue of this
act, or any other person or persons whatever, shall give or bestow, or directly or indirectly promise
to give or bestow, any gift or reward to secure any person's vote or ballot at any such election, or
shall keep, or suffer to be kept, any house, tent, booth or other accommodation, in any part of any
district, at any time during the day of holding such election, and before the close thereof, at his or
their expence, where any victuals or intoxicating liquors shall be gratuitously given or dealt out to
voters, every such candidate or other person so offending shall, on conviction thereof in the county
court of the county wherein such offence may be committed, be fined, at the discretion of the court,
a sum note exceeding five hundred dollars, and suffer such imprisonment as the court may adjudge, not
exceeding six months.

XIX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when any voter shall offer to ballot for two persons as sheriffs,
he shall insert the names of both candidates upon one piece of paper, and if upon the final examina-
tion of the ballots the judges of the election shall find any more names written on them than there
ought to be, or any two or more tickets deceitfully rolled or folded up together, containing the
names of more than one candidate, or the name of one candidate more than once written, such
ticket shall be rejected and thrown away, and not accounted amongst the ballots.

XX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Henry Gardiner, George Plater, Charles Chilton, Richard Watts
and Benjamin Williams, of Saint-Mary's county, oliver Smith, Isaac Freeman, William Burneston,
John Carvil Hynson and James Bowers, of Kent county, James Disney, Leonard Sellman, Richard
Merriken, Philip Hammond, Dennis Griffith, Richard Harwood, senior, Charles A. Warfield, Thomas
Worthington and Samuel Harrison, senior, of Anne-Arundel county, Nathaniel Dare, Michael Ta-
ney, senior, and Rezin Estep, of Calvert county, Alexander McPherson, Benjamin Douglass, Caleb
Hawkins, Samuel Jones and Joseph Green, of Charles county, Richard Johns, Zachariah McCubbins,
Josias Pennington, William Gwynn, Nicholas Merryman, Francis Snowden, Charles Jessop, George
Nace, junior, and Beale Owings, of Cristopher, of Baltimore county, John Roberts, John Nabb,
William Hayward, Peregrine Spencer and Samuel Dickinson, of Talbot county, Henry James Car-
roll, John Steward and John Leatherbury, of Somerset county, Moses Lecompte, Robert Dennis,
Samuel Hooper, Ezekiel Richardson and William M. Robinson, of Dorchester county, Henry Pearce,
William Alexander, John Creswell, Jacob Reynolds and Samuel Hogg, of Caecil county, Thomas
Snowden, Richard Cramphin, Edward H. Calvert, John H. Beanes, Robert Bowie, Walter Bowie
and Overton Carr, of Prince-George's county, John Richardson, John Brown, Stephen Miers, Philip
Fiddeman and James Brown, of Queen-Anne's county, Ephraim King Wilson, Samuel Harper,
Benjamin Dennis, Boaz Walston and Levin Mitchell, of Worcester county, John Gwinn, junior,
Henry Stevenson, Abraham Crapster, William Murphy, junior, Samuel S. Thomas, George Baer,
junior, Charles Philpott, Frederick Stemple and William Emmitt of Frederick county, Jesse Jarrett,
Daniel Thompson, John Bartley, Dennis Bond and Henry Wansickle, of Harford county, Henry



Fine for using
force, &c.

Penalty on can-
didates for
bribery, &c.

Names to be
inserted, &c.    

Names of com-

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Session Laws, 1799
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