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Session Laws, 1799
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Persons to vote
in the district.

Persons to vote
but once, &c.

Penalty on 
voting twice.

Judges to cast
up the votes,

Person first
named to at-
tend, &c.

Judges to meet,

1799.   NOVEMBER.                         LAWS OF MARYLAND.

part of either of the districts of Maryland aforesaid, or as a part of any district which it may for
such elections hereafter be made, and also of all future elections for delegates to the general assem-
bly, or electors of senate, for said city, and of al lfuture elections for sheriff in the city of Baltimore,
as a part of Baltimore county; and the said judges shall hold and conduct the said elections at the
several places prescribed by the ordinances of the city of Baltimore for holding the elections for
members of the first branch of the city council of said city, and shall in all other respects, as to time
and manner of holding the said elections, and ascertaining and declaring the persons elected, pursue
and observe the several rules and regulations by this act prescribed to the several judges of elections
in the county districts aforesaid, in relatino to similar elections, and conform themselves to the laws
and constitution of this state in relation to said elections, and as to the persons whom they shall per-
mit to vote at the same, and the mayor of the city of Baltimore shall give notice of such elections;
and in any election as aforesaid hereafter to be made in the city of Baltimore to fill a vacancy, and
wherein it may be necessary to issue a new warrant, such warrant shall go to the said mayor, who
shall appoint the day for holding the same, of which ten days notices shall be given, exclusive of the
day of notices and the day of election.

XI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every person qualified to vote shall vote in the election district
in which he shall reside at the time of the election, and at no other place.

XII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person at any election having voted once, shall offer to
vote again in the same district or county, he shall be subject to a penalty of ten dollars for such of-
fence; or if any person shall offer to vote in any name not his own, or in the place of any other per-
son of the same name, or residing out of such district shall offer to vote therein, or residing out of 
the county shall offer to vote at any such election, he shall forfeit ten dollars; and if any person re-
siding out of this state shall offer to vote at any such election, he shall forfeit twenty dollars, and in
either case the offender may be immediately apprehended therefor by a warrant of a justices of the 
peace, or a judge of the election, issued in the name of the state, and shall be tried by such justice or
judge respectively.

XIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person shall vote twice at one election, he shall be liable
toa presentment in the county court of the county where he may reside, and may be fined not ex-
ceeding forty dollars, and imprisoned not exceeding one month, in the discretion of the court.

XIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the judges or judge as aforesaid of the
election, at the close thereof, in the several districts aforesaid, to cast up the amount of votes upon
their respective polls, and to subscribe the same, and the same shall be attested by the clerks; and in
case of an election for sheriffs, the said judges or judge as aforesaid shall lock up and seal the ballot
box, in the presence of the clerks and others who may be attending, and the sai dbox shall be put
into the custody and charge of the acting or presiding judge.

XV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That on the second day after every election (except in cases of elec-
tions of delegate or delegates to the general assembly, or electors of senate for the city of Baltimore,
in which cases of elections the judges shall meet on the day next succeeding the holding of siaid elec-
tions,) it shall be the duty of the person first named in the appointment, who shall have acted as judge
at the close of the election of each district, under the penalty of five hundred dollars, to attend at
the usual place of the sitting of the county court of such county, with the books of the polls, and
the ballot box, (in case of a sheriff's election,) and the said judges, when so assembled, shall cast up
the whole of the votes, or count the ballots (as the case may be,) of all the districts of such county,
and determine who is or who are elected delegates, sheriff, or electors of senate, as the case may be,
and declare and return them duly elected in the manner now required of the sheriff or justices under
the constitution nd form of government, and the books of the polls of eveyr such election shall be
deposited with the clerk of their county for safe customdy; and if at the time so appointed for the as-
sembling of the said judges, any of them should be prevented from attending, in every such case the
judges or judge who shall assemble, may adjourn from day to day until the whole of the votes, or of 
the ballots, of all the districts of such county, shall be collected together, and immediately thereafter
the said judges shall proceed to perform the duties before in this section required.

XVI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if it be an election for a representative in congress, or elector
of president and vice-president, the said judges as herein before designated, shall, under the like pe-
nalty, meet on the second day after every such election, at the usual place of the sitting of the coun-
ty court of their county, with the books of the polls as aforesaid, and shall cast up as aforesaid, the

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