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Session Laws, 1799
Volume 100, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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How vacancies
are to be filled, 

to be made, &c.

How fines, &c.
are to be reco-
vered, &c.

Sections to be
read, &c.

Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.


Justices to levy
money, &c.

And to con-
tract, &c.

1799.    NOVEMBER.                  LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Downes, Joseph Richardson, William Whitely, Thomas Hardcastle and Thomas Hughlett, of Caro-
line county, Samuel Ringgold, William Hyser, Henry Ankeney, Thomas Brent and Thomas Cramp-
ton, of Washington county, Daniel Reintzell, Hezekiah Veatch, Thomas Flitchall, John Adamson
and Thomas Davis, of Montgomery county, John B. Beall, David Hoffman, senior, William Shaw,
Jesse Tomlinson, Thomas Stewart, George Robinet, of Nathan, and Deniel Fetter, of Allegany
county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to lay off, designate and number, the
districts in their respective counties, and to fix the place where the election shall be held in each
district thereof.

XXI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any of the commissioners named in this act should refuse to
accept his appointment before the first day of April next, the governor and council are hereby autho-
rised and directed to fill the vacancy; and if the said commissioners, or any of them, should not
signify their refusal to the governor and council before the said first day of April, it shall be deemed
and taken as an acceptance of the appointment; and any commissioner not signifiying his refusal as
aforesaid, and failing to perform the duties imposed by this act, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty
dollars; and that upon every appointment under the authroity of the governor and council, the
person named by them shall be deemed and considered a commissioner within this act, unless he shall
notify, in manner aforesaid, his non-acceptance within thirty days after he shall receive his appoint-
ment; and if any commissioner appointed by the governor and council shall refuse the appointment,
the governor and council shall appoint another, until some one shall be found to accept; and every 
commissioner accepting under the appointment of the governor and council, shall be subject to the
same penalty upon non-performance of duty as is imposed upon commissioners originally named in
this act, to be recovered in the manner herein provided.

XXII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for all services to be performed by virtue of this act, the
levy court of the county wherein such service shall be rendered shall make reasonable compensation
out of the county levies.

XXIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines and penalties created and imposed by this act shall
and may be recovered in the name of the state, by indictment in the county court of the county
wherein the same shall accrue, and be applied, one half thereof to the use of the informer, and the
other half to the use of the county, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of such county to return
annually to their levy courts a list of all fines and penalties recovered by virtue of this act.

XXIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the third, fifth, seventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fifteenth, seven-
teenth, eighteenth and nineteenth sections of this act, shall be openly and publicly read aloud at
each place of holding the elections, by one of the judges thereof, at the time of commencing the
same; and that the justices of the different county courts shall give this act in charge to the grand 
juries of their respective counties at the sitting of their court next after every election to be held

                                      CHAP. LI.
An ACT to repair the public gaol in Saint-Mary's county.         Lib.
     JG. No. 3. fol. 295.

WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that the public gaol in Saint-Mary's county is
in so ruinous a situation that it is entirely unfit for use; therefore,

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court for
Saint-Mary's county be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to assess and levy a sum of
money, not exceeding two thousand dollars, on the assessable property of the county aforesaid, for
the purpose of repairing the present, or building a new gaol in said county; provided, that no more
than the sum of one thousand dollars shall be levied in any one year.

III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of the levy court aforesaid be and they are hereby
authorised to contract with any person or persons for the repairs of the said gaol, in any manner as
they shall deem proper, or if the justices of the levy court aforesaid shall be of opinion that it would
be more to the advantage of the county aforesaid to build a new gaol than to repair the old one, then
they are hereby authorised to contract with any person or persons for building a new gaol, upon such
plan as they may think eligible, and to sell at public sale the materials of the present gaol, and to
apply the money therefrom arising to building a new gaol, or otherwise, in their discretion, to apply
the materials thereof towards the foundation or other parts of the new building.

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Session Laws, 1799
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