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Session Laws, 1799
Volume 100, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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             BENJAMIN OGLE, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.                              NOVEMBER.      1799.  

                            CHAP. XVIII.
An ACT for the more effectual preservation of the breed of wild
deer in Somerset and Dorchester counties.     Lib. JG. No. 3.
fol. 262.

WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, that the species of deer hath been
very much lessened, and are likely to be extinct; for the prevention whereof, it is thought
proper by this general assembly to pass an act restraining all persons whatsoever from shooing, or
otherwise destroying them, for a limited time;

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for any person
or persons whatsoever, from and after the end of this session of assembly during the term of three
years, to kill, or otherwise destroy, any deer, under the penalty of thirty dollars current money for
every deer so killed or destroyed, to be recovered in the county court of the county where the said
offence shall be committed by indictment, one half of which sum shall be applied to the use  of the 
county, and the other half shall be received by the person who shall make information thereof.

III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That after the expiration of the aforesaid term of three years, no per-
son or persons whatsoever shall shoot, kill, or otherwise destroy, any deer, except from the fifteenth
of September to the fifteenth of December yearly, under the penalty aforesaid.

IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any person or persons whatsoever, in whose hands or custody any
deer's flesh, or deer's skin or skins shall be found, that shall appear to have been killed contrary to
this act, shall be deemed, taken and adjudged, the killer or destroyer of such deer, and liable to the
penalty aforesaid, unless such person or persons shall make it appear who it was that really killed the
same, or from whom such person possessed thereof shall have received the same, or that the same was 
not killed contrary to the prohibition of this act.

V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any master, mistress or overseer, shall wilfully suffer any servant
or servants, slave or slaves, undre his, her or their care and management, to hunt, kill or destroy,
any deer, contrary to this act, shall forfeit the sum of thirty dollars, to be recovered and applied as
before directed; and if any servant or servants, slave or slaves, do or shall hunt, kill or destroy, any
deer, contrary to this act, and without the privity and knowledge of their master, mistress or over-
seer, and be convicted thereof before any justice of the peace, such servant or servants, slave or
slaves, shall be whipped not exceeding thirty-nine lashes, at the discretion of such justice of the
peace; provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to
prevent the owner from killing tame deer, or deer confined within parks.

VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That an act, entitled, An act for the preservation of the breed of
wild deer, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, * be and the same is here-
by repealed, so far as respects the counties aforesaid.

                                                         CHAP. XIX.
An ACT to release the heirs, executors and administrators, and the 
securities, of Charles Beckwith, late of Montgomery county, de-
ceased, from a contract therein mentioned.  Lib. JG. No. 3.
fol. 263.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of
Montgomery county, that agreeably to the act of assembly passed November session, one thou-
sand seven hundred and ninety-seven, * entitled, An act to authorise and empower the levy court of
Montgomery county to assess and levy a sum of money on the assessable property thereof for the pur-
pose of building a new gaol in said county, the commissioners appointed by said act did contract for
and let the building of the gaol to a certain Charles Beckwith, and advanced to the said Beckwith
the sum of one hundred and sixty pounds for the purpose of procuring materials for the gaol afore-
said, and that soon after the said Charles Beckwith died, leaving a widow, who is unable to comply
with the contract aforesaid:  And whereas it is further represented by said petition, that the county
would derive considerable advantage if a law was to pass releasing the heirs, executors and admini-
strators, and the securities, of the said Charles Beckwith, from the contract aforesaid, and autho-
                                                      V v v v v 2                                                            rising


Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.


Deer not to be
killed, &c.

Except from
Sept. 15 to Dec.
15, &c.

Persons to be
considered as
the killer, &c.

Penalty on
masters, &c.

An act repealed.
* Chapter 5.


* Chapter 21.

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Session Laws, 1799
Volume 100, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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