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Session Laws, 1799
Volume 100, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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Heirs, &c. re-
leased, &c.

On complying,
to proceed, &c.

Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.


Justices to levy
money, &c.

* 1795, ch. 60.


Company capa-
ble of pur-
chasing, &c.

1799.      NOVEMBER.                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.

rising the commissioners appointed by the act aforesaid to proceed to contract with some other person
or persons to erect a gaol in said county, and it appearing to this general assembly to be reasonable
and proper; therefore,

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryalnd, That the heirs, excecutors and administra-
tors, and also the securities, of the said Charles Beckwith, be and they are hereby released and ex-
onerated from all and every contract or contracts entered into with the commissioners aforesaid, or
either of them, by the said Charles Beckwith, in any manner respecting the gaol aforesaid, provided
the heirs, executors and administrators, or the securities, of the said Charles Beckwith, or either of
them, shall, on or before the first day of March next, return to the aforesaid commissioners all sums
of money advanced by them, or either of them, to the said Charles Beckwith, for the purpose afore-
said, with legal interest on the same from the time such advance took place.

III. AND BE ITENACTED, That if the heirs, executors or administrators, or the securities, of
the said Charles Beckwith, or either of them, shall comply with the provisions of this act, that then
the commissioners appointed by the act aforesaid are hereby authorised to proceed under the said act in the same manner as if no contract had ever taken place.

                                                     CHAP. XX.
An ACT to authorise and empower the levy court of Montgomery
county to assess and levy annually a sum of money for the support
of Michael O'Daniel.     Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 264.
WHEREAS Michael O'Daniel, of Montgomery county, by his petition to this general assembly
hath set forth, that he is very old and infirm, and frequently attacked with the rheumatism,
and has no other dependence whereby to subsist but on the benevolence of his only son, who is very
poor, and prays that an act may pass to pvoide for his future maintenance out of the poor-house;
and the facts stated in said petition appearing to be true, therefore,

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Montgomery county shall be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, at their levy court an-
nually, so long as they shall see cause to assess and levy on the assessable property of said county a
sum of money, not exceeding thirty dollars, for the support and maintennance of the said Michael
O'Daniel, and that the same be collected and paid annually by the collector of Montgomery county
to such person or persons as the levy court of saic county shall or may direct.

                                                   CHAP. XXI.
An ACT for the benefit of Joseph Bouze, of Worcester county.      Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 265. A
Private Act.

                                                   CHAP. XXII.
A Supplement to the act, * entitled, An act to incorporate the Mary-
land insurance company.           Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 265.

WHEREAS the Maryland insurance company have, by their petition, prayed that they may be
enabled by law to purchase and hold, to them and their successors, a lot of ground in the city
of Baltimore, whereon they may have erected suitable buildings to accommodate them in the trans-
action of their business as an insurance company; therefore,

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Maryland insurance company
shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, capable of purchasing and holding, in fee-simple, to
them and their successors, for ever, a lot or parcel of ground situated in the city of Baltimore, for
the purpose of erecting thereon suitable buildings to accommodate the said corporation in the trans-
action of their business as an insurance company; and the said corporation shall be, and they are
hereby declared to be, capable of receiving a deed of conveyance for the same, and, if necessary, of
executing a deed, conveying their right and title in and to the said corporation as aforesaid, it
may or can do, and in the case of the execution of the deed by the said corporation as aforesaid, it
shall be sufficient and effectual, to every intent and purpose, if the president shall thereto subscribe
his name, affix the seal of the corporation, and shall, in the name and in behalf of the said cor-
poration, acknowledge the same before such person or persons as the law directs in the cases of any
person or persons executing and acknowledging any deed for the conveyance of land in fee-simple.


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Session Laws, 1799
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