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Session Laws, 1799
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Charter not to
be destroyed, 

Bridges to be made, Yc.


Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.

Number of 
shares may be
enlarged, &c.

Sum to be as-
certained, &c.

Money to be expended, &c.

Specie loaned,

1799.  NOVEMBER.              LAWS OF MARYLAND.

prescribed for receiving and adjusting the first subscriptions, and in like manner to return, under the
hands of any four or more of them, an exact list of such additional subscribers, with the sums by
them respectively subscribed, into the general courts as aforesaid, to be there recorded; and all pro-
preitors of such additional shares shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, from thenceforward
incorporated into the said company.

XVI.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the stockholders, or the president and directors aforesaid,
should neglect or omit, or be by an accident prevented from performing, any act or thing on the par-
ticular day on which it shall be directed by this act to be done and performed, such neglect or omission
shall not be construed or taken in any manner to destroy or invalidate this charter, but the said act
may be done at the next convenient day.

XVII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever said canal shall cross any public road, it shall be the
duty of said company, at the proper expence of the same, to make and keep good and sufficient
bridges across said canal, so as to prevent any inconveniencies in the usage of said road or roads by
reason of said canal crossing the same.

XVIII. PROVIDED, That this law shall be of no force or effect until a law be passed by the state
of Delaware, authorising the cutting the canal aforesaid, and until a law shall be passed by the legis-
lature of Pennsylvania, declaring the river Susquehanna to be a highway, and authorising individuals
or bodies corporate to remove obstructions therein at a period not exceeding three years from the 
first day of March, eighteen hundred.

                                                CHAP. XVII.
A Further supplement to the act, (a) entitled, An act for making the
river Susquehanna navigable from the line of this state to tide water.
Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 261.

                                             (a) November, 1783, ch. 23.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the pro-
prieotrs of the Susquehanna canal to enlarge their number of original shares at a meeting of the
company, by adding thereto a number not exceeding fifty shares; and all subscribers to such shares
shall and are hereby from thenceforth declared to be incorporated into said company, and to be en-
titled to all the rights, benefits and privileges, that the original subscribers are by virtue of the act
to which this is a supplement.

II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sum to be paid and subscribed for such augmented shares shall
be ascertained by the company, at some meeting within six months from the date hereof, and the
same, when subscribed, shall be collected, on default of payment, in the same manner, and by the
same process, as the original shares were.

III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company shall expend on opening and clearing the bed
of the river within the Maryland line the sum of five thousand dollars, within five years from the
passage of this act; and upon expenditure of the same, and completing the navigation of the bed of
the river as aforesaid, they shall be entitled to half tolls thereon; that is to say, to one half the sum
payable on navigating the canal, to be collected in such manner as the legislature shall hereafter pre-

IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this state loan to the proprietors of the Susquehanna canal the
sum of thirty thousand dollars in specie, to be paid in quarterly payments; and the treasurer of the
wester shore is hereby authorised to pay the same in quarterly payments, on the said directors lodge-
ing with the governor and council bonds and security, to be approved of by them, for such sums as
may be drawn in pursuance of this act, such bonds to be conditioned for the payment annually of
vix per cent. interest until the end of ten years, and for the payment of the principal at the expiration of
that period; provided, that if this loan is not accepted, and security given within twelve months,
this clause of the present act shall be of no effect; and provided also, that security be given to the
governor and council that the said loan shall be applied to opening the canal.


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Session Laws, 1799
Volume 100, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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