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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
Volume 99, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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24            VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.

    The bill, entitled, An act to confirm an act, entitled, An act to alter, abolish and repeal, certain
parts of the constitution and form of government of this state as are therein mentioned, was
read the second time, and the question put, That the said bill do pass?  The yeas and nays being
required appeared as follow:

A  F  F  I  R  M  A  T  I  V  E.
Mr. Thomas, president, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Grahame, Mr. Forrest, Mr. Dorsey,
Mr. Hindman and Mr. Hemsley.        8.
N  E  G  A  T  I  V  E.
Mr. Dennis, Mr. Ridgely, Mr. McMechen and Mr. Goldsborough.        4.
So it was determined in the affirmative.
    Mr. Goldsborough has leave of absence.
The senate adjourns until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.

T    U    E    S    D    A    Y,    December 24, 1799.

    THE senate met.  Present the same members as on yesterday, except Mr. Grahame and Mr.
Forrest, who had leave of absence.  The proceedings of yesterday were read.
    The bill, entitled, An act respecting a partition of the estate of John Davidson, deceased, the
bill, entitled, An act to declare certain roads in Baltimore county public highways, the bill, entitled, 
An act declaring a road leading to a fork of Conowago road in Baltimore county a public
highway, the bill, entitled, An act to establish and confirm certain acts done by persons holding
offices of trust and profit under the government of the United States, the bill, entitled, A further
act to establish and confirm certain acts done by persons holding offices of trust or profit under
the government of the United States, the bill, entitled, An act to confirm an act, entitled, 
An act to alter, abolish and repeal, certain parts of the constitution and form of government of
this state as are therein mentioned, and the resolution authorising a loan to the commissioners of
the federal buildings in the city of Washington, were sent to the house of delegates by the
    Mr. Hammond has leave of absence after Saturday next.
    On motion, Mr. Goldsborough delivers to the president a bill, entitled, An act to enlarge the
powers of the trustees of the poor in the several counties therein designated; which was read
the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
    On motion, ORDERED, That the bill, entitled, An act to regulate public ferries, be committed
to Mr. Hammond, Mr. Dennis and Mr. Goldsborough, to consider and report thereon.
    The resolution in favour of Edward Norwood was read the second time and dissented from.
    The bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled, An act to direct descents, was read the
second time and will pass.
    The bill, entitled, An act authorising the levy court of Caroline county to appoint constables
in the different towns and villages in said county, was read the second time and will not
    The bill, entitled, An act directing the mode of executing conveyances of lots in the city of
Washington, sold by David Burnes in his life-time, and for other purposes, was read the second
time and will not pass.
    The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the clerk of the senate, a bill, entitled, An act
to provide for the administration of justice in cases of crimes and misdemeanours in the city and
county of Baltimore, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, December 16, 1799:  Read 
" the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 24, 1799:  Read the second time and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."
A bill, entitled, An act for the more effectual collection of the county charges in Allegany
county, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, December 11, 1799:  Read the first time
" and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 24, 1799:  Read the second time and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."
A bill, entitled, An act to aid and revive the proceedings of the court of appeals, thus endorsed;
" By the house of delegates, December 24, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered to lie
" on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 24, 1799:  Read the second time by especial order and
" will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."
And also the following resolution:

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 23, 1799.
    RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be authorised, and he is hereby directed,
to cancel a bond given on the 16th December, 1795, by Francis Dawes and William Copeland
Gouldsmith, for one thousand one hundred and twenty-five pounds currency, the said bond having
been given for a portion of a lot in the city of Baltimore number 65, which said lot appears to
have not been liable to confiscation.
                                                        By order,                                  W.  HARWOOD, clk.

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
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