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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
Volume 99, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.            25

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 24, 1799.

    RESOLVED, That the auditor be authorised and empowered to examine into the claim and petition
of Charles Mankin, of Charles county, against the state, and report his opinion of the same
to the next session of assembly.
                                                        By order,                                  W.  HARWOOD, clk.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 24, 1799.
    RESOLVED, That this state extend to Gassaway Watkins the time for paying the balance he
owes to this state, viz. that no process shall issue against the said Gassaway Watkins, of his
securities provided he or they pay to the state the whole interest, and one half of his debt to
the state, on or before the first day of November, eighteen hundred, and the other half, with
interest, on or before the tenth day of November, eighteen hundred and one, and all costs that
have accrued, if any.
                                                        By order,                                  W.  HARWOOD, clk.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 24, 1799.
    Whereas it appears to this general assembly, that Thomas Cockey Deye purchased of the commissioners
under an act of April session, 1787, ch. 37, sundry tracts of land, which were sold to
pay certain debts due from Archibald Buchanan to this state, for final settlement certificates,
having interest due thereon from the first day of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-five:
And whereas the said Thomas Cockey Deye hath paid the whole of the purchase money due on 
said purchase in said certificates, many of which had interest due thereon prior to the first day of
January, seventeen hundred and eighty-five, whereby a considerable sum appears to have been
paid over and above the amount of said lands so purchased by him, and it is just and reasonable
that the surplus should be returned, RESOLVED, That the auditor-general be and he is hereby 
authorised and directed to liquidate the account of the said Thomas Cockey Deye, and ascertain
the amount of interest due on certain final settlement certificates prior to the first day of January,
seventeen hundred and eighty-five, paid to him by trustees appointed to sell the land of Archibald
Buchanan, and that the trustee of this state transfer to the said Thomas Cockey Deye, in three
per cent. stock, the amount of the interest aforesaid so ascertained by the auditor-general.
    RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Thomas C. Deye the amount of interest
received by this state of the United States on account of surplus interest paid by him to
certain trustees appointed to sell the lands of Archibald Buchanan, and by them paid into the
treasury, the amount of said surplus interest to be ascertained by the auditor-general, under the
preceding resolution.
                                                        By order,                                  W.  HARWOOD, clk.
Which bills and resolutions were severally read and ordered to lie on the table.
        The senate them took up the second reading of the bill, entitled, An act to regulate elections,
and, on motion, the question was put, That the following be proposed as an amendment to the
said bill?
    Between the eleventh and twelfth sections insert the following clause: " And, whereas great
uncertainties and inconveniencies would be introduced by freemen at the elections regulated by
this act voting at elections out of their respective districts, as generally they will be personally
known near their homes, and their rights of suffrage is easily examined, and it would break
through and derange the equality depending on the property which is directed by the form of government
for each voter to be worth at the time of his offering to vote; for remedy whereof, Be
it enacted, that every voter in each district entitled to vote, shall have his name registered with
the judges of hte said district election previous to his offering to vote, and it shall be the duty of
said judges to keep a correct registry of all persons entitled to vote in his district who shall offer
to register the same; and the said judges are hereby directed, from time to time to receive the
registry of all persons who were minors at the previous election, and who may arrive at the age
of twenty-one years old before their offering to register, and likewise the said judges are hereby
directed, from time to time to receive the registry of all persons who have acquired a legal title
to vote, previous to the sid voter offering to register; and it shall be the duty of the said judges
of district elections to return the said registry, after each election, to the sheriff of each county,
to be by him falsely kept, and he us hereby directed and required, under the penalty of fifty dollars,
to deliver to the judges of each district election a fair registry of all person so registered
entitled to vote ten days previous to each election, which said judges of elections shall receive
and register the name of all such voters as may have acquired a legal title to vote as aforesaid,
and shall return the said registry to the sheriff as aforesaid, and so on, from time to time, continually."
The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
A  F  F  I  R  M  A  T  I V  E.
Mr. Dennis, Mr. Ridgely, Mr. McMechen and Mr. Goldsborough.        4.
N  E  G  A  T  I  V  E.
Mr. Thomas, president, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Hindman and Mr.
Hemsley.        6.
So it was determined in the negative.
    The said bill was them read throughout, and the question put, That the said bill do pass?
Which was resolved unanimously in the affirmative.
    The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the clerk of the senate the bill, entitled, An 
act to explain the law respecting hawkers and pedlers, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates,
" December 21, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk.

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
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