VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
a copy of the act, entitled, An act to incorporate a company for the
purpose of cutting and
making a canal between the river Delaware and the Chesapeake bay, passed
during the present
session of assembly.
By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial
order, assented to, and sent to the house
of delegates by the clerk.
The clerk of the house of delegates returns the
bill, entitled, An act respecting the sheriff of
Talbot county, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, December
7, 1799: Read the first
" time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 7, 1799: Read the second
time by especial order and
" will pass.
" By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk."
Ordered that the said bill be engrossed.
The resolution in favour of William Goodwin, and
others, was read the second time and assented
The bill, entitled, An act to make public a certain
road in Talbot county, was read the second
time and will pass.
The bill, entitled, An act to repeal part of an
act, entitled, An act to open a road in Cæcil
county from Archibald Dysart's towards Hugh Ramsay's tavern, was read
the second time by especial
order and will not pass.
The resolution in favour of George Twilly was read
the second time and dissented from.
The resolution in favour of Tristram Martin and
Abner Parrott, two of the securities of
Daniel Powel Cox, former sheriff of Talbot county, was read the second
time and dissented from.
The following message was prepared, read and agreed
By the SENATE, December 9, 1799.
WE have dissented to your resolution in favour of George
Twilly, because the positive direction
which it contains to the register of the land-office to issue a patent
upon the payment of the
caution money on the vacant land mentioned in that resolution may possibly
interfere with the
rights of other persons. If your house will originate a resolution
embracing no other object than
the releasing the said George Twilly from paying the sum at which the improvements
upon that
vacant land have been valued, or sufficiently protecting the rights of
all other persons, it will
meet with the concurrence of this house.
We have also dissented to your resolution in favour
of Tristram Martin and Abner Parrott,
because the judgments recited therein do not agree with the copies thereof
transmitted by the
clerk of the general court of the eastern shore; a resolution correcting
this inaccuracy will be
agreed to by the senate.
By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
The senate adjourns until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.
A Y, December 10, 1799.
THE senate met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday
were read.
The president communicates to the senate a letter from
his excellency the governor, enclosing
sundry communications relative to the stock belonging to this state in
the bank of England; which
were read and referred to the consideration of the house of delegates.
On motion, ORDERED, That the bill, entitled, An act
for appointing a wreck-master in Worcester
county, be committed to Mr. Hammond and Mr. Goldsborough to consider and
report thereon.
The bill, entitled, An act to lay out a road from the
Morgan-town road, on the ridge between
Asa Beall's and William Coddington's, to the Virginia line, near the lands
of John Forrest, was
read the second time and will pass.
On motion, Mr. McMechen delivers to the president a
bill, entitled, An act for the more effectual
preventing of forgery, and to make it felony to steal bonds, notes, or
other securities for
payment of money; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.
Y, December 10, 1799.
THE senate met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. Mr. Ridgely appeared in the
senate. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
The resolution in favour of Thomas Berry and William
Reed, of Kent county, was read the
second time and assented to.
The resolution in favour of Daniel Lamb, of Kent county,
was read the second time and assented
The two resolutions afore-mentioned, the bill, entitled,
An act for the relief of Tristram Dalton,
of the city of Washington, the bill, entitled, A supplement to the act,
entitled, An act for