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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
Volume 99, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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14            VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.

" the house of delegates, December 6, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
" table.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 6, 1799:  Read the second time by especial order and
" will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk."
And also the following resolution:

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 6, 1799.
    RESOLVED, That the auditor be and he is hereby authorised and directed to liquidate and adjust
the amount that would be due to William A. Needham, as a sergeant in the Maryland line
in the service of the United States, from the time his whole pay ceased up to the time his half
pay commenced, agreeably to the resolution that passed in his favour at November session, 1791,
and that the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed to pay the amount thereof
to the said William A. Needham, or his order.
                                                        By order,                                      W.  HARWOOD, clk.
Which bill and resolution were severally read and ordered to lie on the table.
The senate adjourns until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.

S    A    T    U    R    D    AY,    December 7, 1799.

    THE senate met.  Present the same members as on yesterday.  The proceedings of yesterday
were read.
    The bill, entitled, An act for the adjournment of Prince-George's county court, the bill, entitled,
An act relating to notaries public, and the bill, entitled, An act to empower the justices
of the levy court of Anne-Arundel county to assess and levy a sum of money for the purpose 
therein mentioned, were sent to the house of delegates by the clerk.
    The president communicates to the senate a letter from the printer to the state, accompanied
by the first volume of the laws of this state compiled by William Kilty, Esquire, under the direction
of a resolution of the last session of assembly; which was read.
    The president communicates to the senate a memorial from William Kilty, stating, that he has
been assiduously employed in the revision of the acts of assembly, and has made considerable progress
therein, but that, from the nature and extent of the work, it was impracticable to complete
it so as to be laid before the present assembly, and submits to the general assembly, whether
it will be expedient to include in the edition the acts passed at the present session; which
was read, and referred to the consideration of the house of delegates, and sent thither by the
    The bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled, An act relating to the public roads in
Caroline county, was read the second time and will not pass.
    The following message was prepared, read, agreed to, and, with the bill next before mentioned,
sent to the house of delegates by the clerk.

By the SENATE, December 7, 1799.
    AS you seem desirous to know the reasons which have induced this house to decline a conference
on the several matters mentioned in your message of the twenty-third of last month, except 
the claim of Henry Harford, we will concisely state them.  We only know by information 
from the executive, that Henry Harford has preferred a large claim against the state to the board
of commissioners, of the extent of which, and of the principles on which it is grounded, we are
ignorant.  We have understood that a state of the case has been submitted to the attorney-general
for his opinion, and judging that it might save time to have the attorney-general before the
conferrees, to impart them to what information he may be able to give, we therefore acceded to
your proposal of conferring on that subject.
    The legislature is already possessed of all the information at present obtainable on the bank
stock, for if the agent has received any extracts of letters from Mr. King, through the secretary
of state, of a posterior date to the seventh of December last, no doubt he would, as in duty bound,
have transmitted such extracts to the executive. Mr. King, in his letter of the seventh of December
last, says, " that under present circumstances he does not think it would be adviseable 
that the state should take any new or farther steps respecting the bank stock," we presume he had
valid reasons for suggesting this advice, and if it be improper at this time to take any new or
farther steps respecting that stock, to what purpose shall we confer about it; as no utility in our
judgments can result from a conference on this case, we did decline, and do still decline it.
                                                        By order,                                      A.  VAN-HORN, clk.
    The senate, having previously qualified agreeably to the constitution and form of government,
proceeded to the election of a senator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the
honourable Robert Milligan, Esquire; the ballot box being prepared, the ballots were deposited
therein, and on examination thereof it appeared, that the honourable William Hemsley, junior,
Esquire, was unanimously elected.
    Whereupon it is declared in the senate, that the honourable William Hemsley, junior, Esquire,
is elected a member thereof.
    On motion, Mr. Hammond delivers to the president a bill, entitled, An act respecting the
sheriff of Talbot county; which was read the first and second time by especial order, passed, and
sent to the house of delegates by the clerk.

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
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