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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
Volume 99, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.            13

thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, December 4, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered
" to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 5, 1799:  Read the second time by especial order and
" will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk."
A bill, entitled, An act respecting the public roads in Washington county, thus endorsed; " By
" the house of delegates, December 5, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
" table.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 6, 1799:  Read the second time by especial order and
" will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk."
A bill, entitled, An act relating to notaries public, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, 
" November 21, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 6, 1799: Read the second time and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk."
A bill, entitled, An act for the adjournment of Prince-George's county court, thus endorsed;
" By the house of delegates, December 6, 1799:  Read the first and second time by especial order
" and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk."
The following resolution:

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 5, 1799.
    RESOLVED, That Tristram Martin and Abner Parrott, two of the securities of Daniel Powel
Cox, former sheriff of Talbot county, be and they are hereby allowed to make payment of the
principal sum due by them to this state, on judgment obtained in the general court of the eastern
shore at September term, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, for the sum of seventy-three pounds
eighteen shillings and two-pence, against them as securities aforesaid, with six per cent. interest
thereon, on or before the first day of May next, and that execution be stayed until the first day
of May aforesaid; and that if the said Tristram Martin and Abner Parrott pay the principal
sum, and six per cent. interest thereon as aforesaid, together with all costs and commissions, on
the said first day of May, then to be released from the payment of fifteen per cent. interest imposed
by law for non-payment.
                                                        By order,                                      W.  HARWOOD, clk.
And also the following message:
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 6, 1799.
    WE have appointed Mr. McPherson, Mr. Cottman, Mr. J. Thomas, Mr. Turner and Mr.
Barroll, a committee on the part of this house, to join such gentlemen as you may nominate, to
form a committee of both houses to compare and examine all bills from time to time during the
session as soon as they shall be severally engrossed.
                                                        By order,                                      W.  HARWOOD, clk.
    Which bills, resolution and message, were severally read, and the bills and resolution ordered
to lie on the table.
    The clerk of the house of delegates returns the bill, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled,
An act to incorporate the Maryland insurance company, thus endorsed; " By the house
" of delegates, December 5, 1799:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 5, 1799:  Read the second time by especial order and
" will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk."
Ordered that the said bill be engrossed.
    The following message was prepared, read, agreed to, and sent to the house of delegates by
the clerk.
By the SENATE, December 6, 1799.
    WE assent to your proposition of appointing a joint committee of both houses for the examination
of all bills from time to time during this session, as soon as they shall be severally engrossed,
and have appointed Nicholas Hammond, William Hindman and Charles Goldsborough, Esquires,
to join the gentlemen nominated by you for that purpose.
                                                        By order,                                      A.  VAN-HORN, clk.
    The bill, entitled, An act for the adjournment of Prince-George's county court, was read the
second time by especial order and will pass.
    The bill, entitled, An act relating to notaries public, was read the second time by especial order
and will not pass.
    The bill, entitled, An act to empower the justices of the levy court of Anne-Arundel county
to assess and levy a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned, was read the second time
by especial order and will pass.
    The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the clerk of the senate a bill, entitled, 
An act for the relief of Tristram Dalton, of the city of Washington, thus endorsed; " By

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
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