VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of
James Roney, of Somerset county, beg
leave to report, that it appears to them, from the affidavit of said Roney,
he became naturalized
before Plunkett Fleeson, one of the justices of the peace for the city
of Philadelphia, and obtained
a certificate of the same from the said Fleeson, which he has since unfortunately
lost, and
owing to the death of said Fleeson, and the removal of his books from the
city aforesaid to some
place in the country unknown to your petitioner, (on account of the malignant
fever,) he is rendered
unable to procure a new certificate thereof; and it further appears to
your committee, from
sufficient vouchers, that the said James Roney, came into this country
in the year seventeen hundred
and eighty-five, and to the state of Maryland in the year seventeen hundred
and ninety-two,
where he has ever since resided; they are therefore of opinion that an
act ought to pass,
declaring the want of a certificate of naturalization in said Roney shall
be no impediment to his
obtaining the benefit of the act of insolvency passed last session.
By order,
Which was read.
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
D A Y, December 3,
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday
were read.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of the city of Baltimore,
praying an alteration of the law
passed this session of assembly for opening and extending Second-street,
was preferred, read, and
referred to Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Johonnot and Mr. Digges, to consider and
report thereon.
Petitions from Archibald Campbell, of the city of Baltimore,
and Jonas McPherson, of Washington
county, praying acts of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred
to the committee
appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to establish
and confirm certain acts done by persons
holding offices of trust and profit under the government of the United
States. ORDERED, That
Mr. Key, Mr. Barroll and Mr. Wilkins, be a committee to prepare and bring
in the same.
A petition from Elizabeth Purdy, of Anne-Arundel county,
praying the levy court of the
said county may be authorised to levy a sum of money for the support of
her daughter, who is
blind, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Hall, Mr. Brogden and Mr.
Harwood, to consider
and report thereon.
The speaker laid before the house a report from Mr.
Tilghman and Mr. Barroll, in behalf
of the visitors and governors of Washington college, with a statement of
expenditure received
from the reverend Colin Ferguson, principal and treasurer of the said seminary;
which was
ORDERED, That Mr. Key, Mr. Taney, Mr. Digges, Mr. C.
Frazier and Mr. Duckett, be a
committee to consider and report thereon.
A petition from Gilbert Murdock, of the city of
Annapolis, an alien, praying the state to relinquish
her right to certain real property purchased by him, was preferred, read,
and referred
to Mr. Key, Mr. Hall and Mr. Harwood, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Digges, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of sundry
inhabitants of the city of Baltimore,
praying for an alteration of the act of assembly, entitled, An act for
the opening of
Second-street in the city of Baltimore, report, that they believe the facts
therein stated to be
true, and are of opinion that an act ought to pass giving the relief prayed
By order,
J. F. HARRIS, clk.
Which was read the first and second time, concurred
with, and leave given to bring in a bill
pursuant thereto. ORDERED, That the committee appointed on the said
petition prepare and
bring in the same.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to repeal
an act respecting certificates of surveys
made on the eastern shore. ORDERED, That Mr. Wright, Mr. C. Frazier,
Mr. Wilkins, Mr.
Keene and Mr. S. Frazier, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. Key, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Upton
Scott, of the city of Annapolis,
in behalf of the devisees of William Corbitt, deceased, have taken the
same into consideration,
and are of opinion the prayer of the same is humane, reasonable, and ought
to be granted, and
they submit the propriety of the following resolution:
Whereas William Corbitt, of Baltimore county, being
seized of a small lot of ground on the
point, in the south-east addition to Baltimore-town, and made his will,
and devised the same to
his brother Benjamin and sister Sarah, who are aliens, living in Ireland,
and cannot by law inherit
the same: And whereas the said Upton Scott hath escheated the same
for the benefit of the
said devisees, and prays this state to release its interest of two
thirds of the valuation of composition
to said land on the escheat, which is very inconsiderable, and will be
an act of humanity;
therefore RESOLVED, That this state release its interest in the valuation
or composition money
arising due on a lot of ground escheated by Upton Scott, for the benefit
of the devisees of William
Corbitt, decease, on account of William Corbitt's dying without heirs capable
of inheriting,
and the register of the land-office is hereby directed to issue patent
to Upton Scott, and his
heirs, in trust, for the devisees of William Corbitt, to be sold, and the
proceed applied to the