VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
benefit of said devisees; saving the right of all persons interested
in said lot of land prior to the
passage of this resolution.
By order,
R. K. WATTS, clk.
Which was read.
The report on the petition of John Summers and John
Aulabaugh was read the second time,
concurred with, and leave given to bring in a bill pursuant thereto.
ORDERED, That the committee
appointed on the said petition prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. Hyland, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of John
Campbell, of Somerset county,
an alien, report, that they have considered the same, and are of opinion
that an act ought to pass
to confirm his title to certain property purchased by him in the county
By order,
Which was read.
The bill for the benefit of Richard Ross and William
Ross, of Prince-George's county, was
read the second time and passed.
Whereas Daniel Lamb, of Kent county, purchased of this
state ten acres of land in the reserve
to Kent manor, and gave bond to the said state, with Joshua Lamb his security,
for the sum
of forty-five pounds current money, and paid into the treasury, on the
twenty-eighth day of
May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, the sum of two pounds
eighteen shillings for
one year's interest on his said bond: And whereas the said Daniel
Lamb did, in the year one
thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, file his bill in chancery to be
released from said purchase,
and to have restitution of the sum so as aforesaid paid to the state, and
on the hearing of
the said bill it was ordered and decreed by the chancellor, that the bond
of complainant should
be given up and cancelled, and that the complainant be entitled to a restitution
of the money or
other thing which he hath paid to the state towards the discharge of the
said bond; and it is just
and reasonable that the decree aforesaid should be carried into effect,
RESOLVED, That the
treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and required
to pay to the said
Daniel Lamb, or order, the sum of two pounds fourteen shillings, together
with an interest of
six per cent. thereon from the twenty-eight day of May, one thousand seven
hundred and eighty-seven;
and that the bond of the said Daniel Lamb be delivered up agreeably to
the said decree.
A petition from John Done, and others, of Somerset
county, praying that the amount of their
debt to the state, for the purchase of some of the Nanticoke Indian lands
in Dorchester county,
may be ascertained upon principles of equity, part of said lands being
claimed by the heirs of
colonel Rider, whose claim the attorney-general is of opinion is good and
valid, was preferred,
read, and referred to Mr. Key, Mr. Gunby and Mr. Purnell, to consider and
report thereon.
A petition from William A. Needham, of Montgomery county,
praying he may be enabled to
draw half pay as a sergeant in the army from the time he was discharged
until the year 1791,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Magruder, Mr. Riley and Mr. Turner,
to consider
and report thereon.
Mr. Hall, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Elizabeth
Purdy, of Anne-Arundel
county, report, that they have taken the same into consideration, and are
of opinion that the
prayer of the petitioner is reasonable, and that a law ought to pass authorising
the levy court of
said county to levy annually a sum of money for the use of said Elizabeth
By order,
Which was read.
Mr. Brogden, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Isaac
Simmons, of Anne-Arundel county,
report, that they have taken the same into consideration, and finding the
facts therein set
forth to be true, are of opinion the prayer of the petitioner being reasonable,
ought to be granted,
and that leave ought to be given to bring in a bill.
By order,
R. K. WATTS, clk.
Which was read the first and second time, concurred
with, and leave given to bring in a bill
pursuant thereto. ORDERED, That the committee appointed on the said
petition prepare and
bring in the same.
A petition from Henry King, of Somerset county, an alien,
praying the state to relinquish her
right to certain real property purchased by him, was preferred, read, and
referred to Mr. Hyland,
Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Cottman, to consider and report thereon.
The report on the petition of James Boney was read the
second time, concurred with, and
leave given to bring in a bill pursuant thereto. ORDERED, That the
committee appointed on the
said petition prepare and bring in the same.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Tilghman be added to the
committee appointed on the petitions
of insolvent debtors in the room of Mr. Love.
Upon reconsideration of the reference on the petition
of Dennis Griffith, ORDERED, That the
same be referred to Mr. Neale, Mr. Wroth, Mr. Hall, Mr. Brome, Mr. Digges,
Mr. Edmondson,
Mr. Cottman, Mr. Pattison, Mr. Rumsey, Mr. Duckett, Mr. Quynn, Mr. Lowrey,
Purnell, Mr. J. Thomas, Mr. Ayres, Mr. Potter, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Cellar,
Mr. Turner and
Mr. Perry, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Wilkins, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Henry
King, of Somerset county, report,
that they have had the same under consideration, and finding the facts
therein stated to be