VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
T I V E.
Taney, |
McPherson, |
Cottman, |
Quynn, |
Purnell, |
Mason, |
Boon. |
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
Sent to the senate by the clerk.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to incorporate
a society for the maintenance and
education of poor female children, by the name of the Benevolent Society
of the City and County
of Baltimore. ORDERED, That Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Johonnot and Mr. P.
Thomas, be a committee
to prepare and bring in the same.
The amendment to the bill for the relief of Robert Elliott,
of Talbot county, was read the
second time, agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed.
The bill to make public a certain road from Talbot county,
was sent to the senate by the clerk.
The house adjourns till Monday morning 9 o'clock.
A Y, December 2, 1799.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on Saturday. The proceedings of Saturday
were read.
Mr. Buchanan, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker a bill, entitled, An
act to incorporate a society for the maintenance and education of poor
female children, by the
name of the Benevolent Society of the City and County of Baltimore; which
was read the first
time and ordered to lie on the table.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Turner and Mr. Lowrey be
added to the committee appointed
to bring in a bill to prevent the use of bills of privilege and attachments
of privilege in this state.
A petition from John Campbell, of Somerset county, an
alien, praying the state to relinquish
her right to a certain real property, was preferred, read, and referred
to Mr. Hyland, Mr. Gunby
and Mr. Parnham, to consider and report thereon.
The bill for laying out two roads to Exeter mills, in
Caroline county, was read the second
time, and passed.
The report on the petition of Eliphaz Douglass, was
read the second time, and the resolution
therein contained rejected.
A petition from James Roney, of Somerset county, praying
an act of insolvency, was preferred,
read, and referred to Mr. Hyland, Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Taney, to consider
and report
A petition from Upton Scott, of the city of Annapolis,
was preferred, read, and referred to
Mr. Key, Mr. Turner and Mr. Buchanan, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Turner, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act
to prevent assignees from suing by bill of privilege or attachment of privilege;
which was read
the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The report on the petition of Thomas Berry and William
Reed was read the second time and
committed for amendment.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to repeal
part of an act, entitled, An act to open a
road in Cæcil county from Archibald Dysart's towards Hugh Ramsay's
tavern. ORDERED, That
Mr. Rumsey, Mr. Wallace and Mr. P. Thomas, be a committee to prepare and
bring in the same.
Mr Edmondson, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petitions of
Abner Parrott and Tristram Martin,
two of the securities of Daniel Powell Cox, former sheriff of Talbot county,
report, that they
have taken the same into consideration, and find, that at September term,
1799, judgments in
the general court of the eastern shore were obtained against them to the
amount of £. 73 18 2,
as securities of said Cox, including an interest of fifteen per cent.
RESOLVED, That Tristram Martin and Abner Parrott, two
of the securities of Daniel Powel
Cox, former sheriff of Talbot county, be and they are hereby allowed to
make payment of the
principal sum due by them to this state, on judgment obtained in the general
court of the eastern
shore at September term, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, for the sum
of seventy-three pounds
eighteen shillings and two-pence against them as securities aforesaid,
with six per cent. interest
thereon, on or before the first day of May next, and that execution be
stayed until the first day
of May aforesaid; and that if the said Tristram Martin and Abner Parrott
pay the principal
sum; and six per cent. interest thereon as aforesaid, together with all
costs and commissions, on
the said first day of May, then to be released from the payment of fifteen
per cent. interest imposed
by law for non-payment.
By order,
Which was read.
Mr. Barroll, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Philip
Reed, of Kent county, have attentively
considered the same, and are of opinion that the facts therein are truly
stated; they
think he is not legally entitled to the relief prayed for as to the £.
13 1 8, the first item exhibited
in his account, with interest of £. 6 5 6 thereon, but that under
the peculiar circumstances
surrounding the collection of the sf6 tax in Kent county for the
year 1791, the legislature would
be justified in directing the same to be paid to him. Your committee
think that the said Philip
Reed is fully entitled to the sum of £. 15 18 3, with interest £.
7 12 8 thereon, and the further