VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
On motion, ORDERED, That the bill to compel the clerk
of Dorchester county court to make
out a list of fees due the crier of said court, be committed for amendment.
The house adjourns till Monday morning 9 o'clock.
A Y, November 25, 1799.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday, except Mr. Dunn. The proceedings
of Saturday were read. Mr. Turner appeared in the house.
Petitions from John Long, of Montgomery county, Moses
Macubbin, of the city of Annapolis,
and Isaac Nesmith, of Frederick county, praying acts of insolvency, were
preferred, read,
and referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to regulate
public ferries. ORDERED, That Mr.
Quynn, Mr. Key and Mr. J. Thomas, be a committee to prepare and bring in
the same.
A memorial from sundry inhabitants of that part of the
city of Baltimore commonly called
Fell's Point, praying an act may pass for establishing a bank at Fell's
Point, entitled, The Bank
of Fell's Point, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Buchanan, Mr.
Taney, Mr. S. Frazier,
Mr. Johonnot, Mr. Digges, Mr. Quynn and Mr. C. Frazier, to consider and
report thereon.
On motion, ORDERED, That the supplement to an act, entitled,
An act relating to the public
roads in Caroline county, be committed for amendment.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill supplementary
to the act directing descents. ORDERED,
That Mr. Parnham, Mr. Barroll and Mr.Turner, be a committee to prepare
and bring
in the same.
On motion, ORDERED, That the committee of claims purchase
the acts of the general assembly of
the state of Maryland from 1784 to 1797, and that they place the same on
the journal of accounts.
Mr. S. Frazier, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the bill to compel
the clerk of Dorchester county court to make out a list of fees due the
crier of said court, as
amended; which was read the first and second time by especial order, and
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to prevent
the use of bills of privilege and attachments
of privilege within this state. ORDERED, That Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Duckett,
Mr. Hall and Mr. Taney, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. McComas, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee on insolvent petitions are induced to
lay before the house the special circumstances
of Robert Gover's case, of Harford county; they are informed and believe,
that he is a
lieutenant in the service of the United States, and has been lately arrested
on his march to join
his regiment, and is now confined in the gaol of Harford county.
Your committee therefore are
of opinion that a special act of insolvency ought to pass to release the
said Gover, he having
made appear to your committee, that he has given due notice of his application
for the benefit
of an insolvent law in his favour.
By order,
R. K. WATTS, clk.
Which was read the first and second time, concurred
with, and leave given to bring in a bill
pursuant thereto. ORDERED, that the committee appointed on the said
petition prepare and
bring in the same.
Mr. Swearingen, from the committee, brings in and
delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Michael
O'Daniel, of Montgomery
county, report, that they have taken the same into consideration, and are
of opinion that the
prayer of the petitioner is reasonable, and ought to be granted.
By order,
Which was read the first and second time, concurred
with, and leave given to bring in a bill
pursuant thereto. ORDERED, That the committee appointed on the said
petition prepare and
bring in the same.
The bill to correct a mistake in an act, entitled, An
act for the relief of Andrew Buchanan,
and to confirm all proceedings had, or hereafter to be had, under said
act and a certain deed of
trust therein referred to, was read the second time, and passed.
The bill to repeal an act, entitled, An act to prevent
the exportation of flour not merchantable
from George-town, in Frederick county, was read the second time, and
Mr. Barroll, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Thomas
Berry and William Reed, of
Kent county, beg leave to report, that they have taken the same into consideration,
and find the
facts therein stated to be true, but they are of opinion it would be
an improper interference in
the legislature to confirm the will of the said Thomas Bardon as to the
real estate intended to be
devised thereby; your committee think, from the peculiar situation of the
case, that the state
might with property release its right to the two thirds of the value
of the lands so intended to
be devised, which, under the existing laws, it is entitled to by virtue
of the escheat warrant
granted to the said Thomas Berry; they therefore submit the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the state release its interest to the
composition or valuation of the land
escheated by Thomas Berry, of Kent county, and the register of the land-office
of the eastern
shore is hereby directed to issue patent on the land included in said escheat
warrant, with an
to Thomas Berry for life, remainder to William Reed, his heirs and assigns;
saving all
rights heretofore acquired by any person to or in said lands, or any part
By order,
J. F. HARRIS, clk.
Which was read.