VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
" By the senate, November 22, 1799: Read the second time and will
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
Ordered to be engrossed.
Mr. Buchanan, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Mary
Chandler, of the borough of
Norfolk, in the state of Virginia, report, that they have examined into
the statement of facts
set forth in said petition, and find, that an act for calling out of circulation
certain bills emitted
by act of assembly, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
sixty-six, was passed at
November session, seventeen hundred and seventy-nine; that by the said
act it was provided, that
the said bills should be brought to the treasurer of the western shore
by the first day of June, next
succeeding the date of the said act, and that in exchange for such bills
aforesaid as should be
brought in by that time, the holder might have bulls drawn on the trustees
of the bank stock in
London by said treasurer, who was invested with full power for that purpose;
by the said act it
was further provided, that in case the said bills should not be honoured,
neither the drawer nor
any endorser should be liable for any damages accruing on said bills, except
the costs of protest,
but that the said bills might be renewed, and that the state should stand
pledged for the payment of
the same, in the manner that the said state should hereafter provide for
the payment of all public
debts; further your committee state, that by an act passed at April session,
seventeen hundred and
eighty-three, entitled, An act concerning the stock of the bank of England
belonging to this state,
and by the fifth section thereof, it is provided, that the agent of said
stock therein named to be authorised
and required, and he was thereby authorised and required, to sell the
said stock, on an
assignment or transfer thereof being duly made to him, and to pay from
the sale thereof the said
bills of exchange which had been drawn by the treasurer aforesaid,
in virtue of the act aforesaid,
entitled, An act for calling out of circulation certain bills of credit
emitted by act of assembly,
passed as aforesaid at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine;
but your committee
do not find that any further or other provision has been made by this state
for payment of the
said bills of exchange; lastly your committee state, that the said bills
of exchange mentioned in
the prayer of the petitioner were among the number of those drawn by the
treasurer aforesaid,
upon the trustee aforesaid, in virtue of the act of assembly, passed at
November session, seventeen
hundred and seventy-nine; that the said bills were regularly endorsed to
a certain George
Chandler, mentioned in the said petition, to whom the said petitioner is
administratrix, in due
form of law constituted and appointed, and that the said bills of exchange,
drawn and endorsed
as aforesaid, were regularly presented to the said trustee of said bank
stock, and by said trustee
refused to be paid. Now, whether the state of Maryland is under an
obligation to pay the said
bills of exchange immediately or not until the said bank stock shall be
regularly transferred
unto her or her agent as aforesaid, are questions which your committee
refer to the decision of
the house.
By order,
J. S. BETTON, clk.
Which was read.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to regulate
elections. ORDERED, That Mr. Duckett,
Mr. Taney, Mr. J. Thomas, Mr. Digges and Mr. Addison, be a committee to
prepare and bring
in the same.
The speaker laid before the house a report of the trustees
of Washington academy, in Somerset
ORDERED, That Mr. Parnham, Mr. Hyland, Mr. Cottman,
Mr. Edmondson and Mr. Rumsey,
be a committee to consider and report thereon.
The following message being prepared, was sent to the
senate by the clerk.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 23, 1799.
THE executive having made sundry communications to the
legislature during this session,
which embrace subjects deeply interesting to the state, we propose a committee
of conference
with your house, to deliberate on the same. The subjects which we
particularly allude to are the
claim of Henry Harford against this state, the situation of our bank stock
in England, and the
communications from the governor of Pennsylvania, relative to the Susquehanna
river navigation,
and the communication between the waters of the Chesapeake and Delaware.
In order to
investigate these important subjects, we have appointed Mr. Key, Mr. Taney,
Mr. Duckett, Mr.
J. Thomas, Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Barroll, to meet any gentlemen of your
house that you may
nominate if you approve of the conference.
By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
Mr. Sappington, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of John
Crist, of Frederick county, report,
that he intermarried with a certain Susannah Baltzell, of said county,
on the 13th day of July,
1799; that some time in the month of August last the said Susannah was
delivered of a mulatto
male child, a crime which at all times has been deemed sufficient to annul
the marriage contract,
and which has influenced the minds of the committee to report, that the
prayer of the petitioner
is reasonable, and that leave should be given to bring in a bill to divorce
the petitioner and his
wife a vinculo matrimonii.
By order,
Which was read.