Volume 98, Page 23 View pdf image (33K) |
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 22, 1799. THE office of register of wills for Worcester county being vacant, by the death of Levin Handy, and the executive, in the recess of the session, having appointed James Bowdoin Robins to that office, we propose to proceed immediately to the election of a person to the office of register of wills for Worcester county. We have appointed Mr. McPherson and Mr. Turner, to join such persons as may be appointed by your house, to examine the ballots. James Bowdoin Robins is put in nomination by this house. By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. Petitions from John Thomas Frost, of the city of Washington, John Stanford, of Dorchester county, Levin Charles, of Caroline county, Samuel Baker, of Prince-George's county, and Charles Ricketts, of Queen-Anne's county, praying acts of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature. The speaker laid before the house a report from the examiner-general of the land-office on the eastern-shore; which was read. ORDERED, That Mr. Edmondson, Mr. Digges, Mr. Parnham, Mr. Addison and Mr. Key, be a committee to consider and report thereon. Mr. Potter, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker the following report: THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Solomon Bartlett, and others, of Caroline county, report, that they have had the same under their consideration, and are of opinion that the prayer of said petitioners is reasonable, and therefore ought to be granted. By order, J. S. BETTON, clk. Which was read the first and second time, concurred with, and leave given to bring in a bill pursuant thereto. ORDERED, That the committee appointed on said petition prepare and bring in the same. The bill to prevent the going at large of swine and poultry in the town of New-Market, in Frederick county, was read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk. A petition from John Crist, of Frederick county, praying to be divorced from his wife, she having been delivered of a mulatto child, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Sappington, Mr. Johonnot and Mr. J. Thomas, to consider and report thereon. Mr. Edmondson, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker the following report: THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Robert Elliott, of Talbot county, praying that an act may pass confirming his right to property purchased before he became naturalized under the laws of this state, report, that they have taken the same into consideration, and find the facts therein stated to be true, and are of opinion that a law ought to pass agreeably to the prayer of the petitioner. By order, S. MAYNARD, clk. Which was read. Mr. Tilghman, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to correct a mistake in an act, entitled, An act for the relief of Andrew Buchanan, and to confirm all proceedings had, or hereafter to be had, under said act and a certain deed of trust therein mentioned; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table. The following question being propounded to the house, was read. RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to subscribe, on behalf of this state, for one hundred and thirty shares in the augmented capital of the Patowmack company, viz. the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds sterling for each share, to be paid in six per cent. stock of the United States, at par. RESOLVED, That the trustee of this state transfer the said amount of six per cent. stock to the president and directors of the Patowmack company, or their order, on the governor and council's certifying to him that bond, with sufficient security, has been lodged with them to complete the locks and navigation of said river at the Great falls, and not before. ORDERED, That the said resolutions have a second reading on Tuesday the tenth day of December next. The clerk of the senate delivers a bill to authorise and empower the levy court of Montgomery county to assess and levy annually a sum of money for the support of Ruth Glaze, endorsed; " By the senate, November 21, 1799: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table. " By order, A. VAN-HORN, clk. " By the senate, November 22, 1799: Read the second time by especial order and will pass. " By order, A. VAN-HORN, clk." Ordered to be engrossed. And the following message: WE are ready to proceed immediately to the election of a register of wills for Worcester county, as proposed by you. No person is put in nomination for that office by the senate in addition to Mr. James Bowdoin Robins. Robert Milligan and William Hindman, Esquires, are appointed to join the gentlemen named in your message in the examination of the ballots. By order, A. VAN-HORN, clk. Which was read. |
Volume 98, Page 23 View pdf image (33K) |
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