VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
RESOLVED, That the sheriff of Baltimore county be
and he is hereby directed to contract with
the trustees of the poor-house of said county for the cloathing, maintenance
and support, of negro
Daniel, during his natural life, the said negro being the property
of this state, and now under
the care of Robert Long, of said county.
RESOLVED, That the sheriff, after making the contract
as aforesaid, make a return thereof to
the treasurer of the western shore, who is hereby directed to pay,
in half yearly payments, the
amount so contracted for, not exceeding sixty dollars per annum, to
the said trustees, or their order.
These resolutions to be of no effect, unless the said Robert Long shall
notify to the said
sheriff that he will no longer support and maintain the said negro
at the price heretofore allowed
to said Long for that purpose.
Sent to the senate by the clerk.
On the second reading of the bill for the relief
of sundry insolvent debtors, the question was
put, that the names of Isiah Dorman, Moses Maccubbin and Joseph Magruder,
be inserted in
the said bill? Determined in the negative.
The bill being read throughout, the question was
put, That the said bill do pass? Resolved in
the affirmative.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled,
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act
for the regulation of officers fees. ORDERED, That Mr. Key, Mr.
Brome and Mr. Duckett,
be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. Duckett, from the committee of grievances and
courts of justice, delivers to the speaker
the following report:
THE committee of grievances and courts of justice,
to whom was referred the petition of
sundry persons, prisoners in the gaol of Baltimore county, report,
that the grievances stated by
the unfortunate petitioners are such as call loudly for the immediate
interference of the house;
that they come peculiarly within the province of the committee of grievances
and courts of justice,
who have power to send for persons, papers and records; but as the
session is very far advanced,
the committee have declined the exercise of this power, without the
positive direction
of the house. The committee are of opinion, that the principles
of humanity demand that the
house should either investigate the subject themselves, at the present
session, or pass a law authorising
certain persons, in the recess of the legislature, to inquire into
the subject matter of
the petition, and if well founded, institute prosecutions for the redress
of the grievances. All
which is submitted.
By order,
Which was read.
The bill relating to certain public roads in Anne-Arundel
county, was read the second time
by especial order, and passed.
RESOLVED, That William Kilty preface the second volume
of his compilation of the laws of
Maryland, by inserting the address of president George Washington to the
people of the United
States, bearing date the seventeenth day of September, seventeen hundred
and ninety-six.
The bill to empower the levy court of Prince-George's
county to lay off a road in said county,
was read the second time by especial order, and passed.
The clerk of the senate delivers the supplement to the
act, entitled, An act to regulate elections,
endorsed; " By the senate, December 31, 1799: Read the first time
and ordered to lie on
" the table.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
" By the senate, January 1, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and will pass.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk."
Ordered to be engrossed.
The resolution respecting William Kilty, the resolution in favour of Arthur
Thompson and wife,
the resolution respecting negro Daniel, severally endorsed; " By the senate,
January 1, 1800:
" Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
" By the senate, January 1, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and assented to.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk."
The resolution in favour of the representatives of Elizabeth Atkinson,
the resolution in favour
of Richard J. Orme, severally endorsed; " By the senate, December 31, 1799:
Read the first
" time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
" By the senate, January 1, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and assented to.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk."
The resolution in favour of Darby McNamara, endorsed; " By the senate,
December 31, 1799:
" Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
" By the senate, January 1, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and dissented from.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk."
The bill to change the name of Clement Holliday Waring to the name of Clement
endorsed; " By the senate, January 1, 1800: Read the first time
and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
" By the senate, January 1, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and will pass.
" By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
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