five hundred and forty-three, of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, of eighteen hundred and ninety -
four, to follow Section two hundred and four, and to be
numbered and designated as Sections 204 A, 204B, 204 C
and 204D.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following sections be added to Article 20, of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Somerset County,"
sub-title "Princess Anne," as repealed and re-enacted by
Chapter five hundred and forty-three, of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, of eighteen hundred and
ninety-four, to follow Section two hundred and four, and to
be numbered and designated as Sections 204A, 204B, 204C
and 204D.
Somerset Co.
Princess Aune.
204 A. The president and Commissioners of Princess Anne
shall have power to pass such ordinance or ordinances as they
may deem proper and necessary for the granting of licenses
to individuals, firms or corporations not having any fixed and
permanent place of business in the town of Princess Anne, to
solicit or receive orders in said town from any individual,
firm or corporation, not licensed as traders under the General
Laws of this State, for any goods, chattels, wares or merchan-
may pass
licenses to
solicit orders,
dise to be delivered in the future; provided, no license shall
be required of any individual, firm or corporation where such
individual , firm or corporation is the grower, maker or manu-
facturer of the goods, wares, chattels or merchandise, for
which orders are solicited or received in said town.
204B. The president and Commissioners of Prince Anne
shall have power to pass such ordinance or ordinances as they
may deem proper and necessary for the granting of licenses
to individuals, firms or corporations to open a room or place
of business in said town for the purpose of selling goods,
wares, chattels and merchandise at public auction, or by any
temporary expedients at variance with the general license
system of this State.
May grant
licenses to sell
goods at
204.C. The president and Commissioners of Princess Anne
shall have power to pass such ordinance or ordinances as they
may deem proper and necessary for the granting of licenses
for sales in said town of damaged goods, wares and merchan-
dise, or goods, wares and merchandise injured by fire or other-
wise, or for slaughter or parcel, or closing-out sales, or any
other sales of goods, wares and merchandise, when it is in
tended, implied or understood that the goods, wares and
Licenses for
sale of dam-
aged goods,