57. The chief bailiff and the sub-bailiffs shall be the execu-
tive officers of the Commissioners, and they shall be equally and
alike entitled to serve, deliver or post any order or notice that
under any law or ordinance is to be served, delivered or
posted, and to perform any other duty which the Commis-
sioners are entitled to direct them to perform.
When any law or ordinance names the chief bailiff for the
performance of any act or duty, any sub-bailiff for him or
in his place or stead may, at his discretion, or at the discre-
tion of the Commissioners, perform the same, and in all such
cases a sub-bailiff shall be presumed to have acted under
proper authority; and in any event any act of a sub-bailiff
may be adopted after "it has been performed by the chief
bailiff or the Commissioners. When any law or ordinance
authorizes or directs the" bailiff or bailiffs to perform any
service or duty the chief bailiff or any sub-bailiff may perform
the same.
All returns made to the Commissioners by the chief bailiff
or sub-bail iff shall have the same force and effect and receive
the same credence as the returns of a sheriff to process in the
Circuit Court.
Sub-bailiff may
58. On organizing as aforesaid, or as soon thereafter as may
be reasonably convenient, the Commissioners shall appoint a
chief bailiff who, unless removed for cause, shall hold his
office during the term for which the Commissioners who
appoint him have been elected. They may also appoint any
such sub-bailiffs that the needs of the town call for or demand.
The sub-bailiffs shall be assistants or deputies to the chief
bailiff, and any acts performed by them under his direction
shall be in all respects as valid and effective as if performed
by him in person. The chief bailiff and the sub-bailiffs shall
perform any duties or functions which the charter, the ordi-
nances, or the orders of the Commissioners may authorize
or direct, and their compensation shall be fixed by the Com-
missioners under ordinances or by orders. The Commission-
ers may also appoint any other officers or employes which,
in their judgment, the services or the interests of the town
require. They may fix by ordinance or order the term of
service, and the compensations and the duties and functions
of such other officers and employees.
Officers and
Duties of.