AN ACT to refund to Calvin Satterfield and Lawrence Sat-
terfield, executors of William C. Satterfield, late of Caro-
line County, the sum of one hundred and nine dollars and
seventy-eight cents for taxes erroneously collected from the
said William C. Satterfield, and paid into the Treasury of
the State.
Caroline Co.
WHEREAS, By an error in the assessment of the property
of William C. Satterfield, late of Caroline County, for the
years 1877 to and including the year 1895, he was obliged to
pay, and did pay, the State and county taxes for said years
upon the sum of six thousand six hundred and eighty dol-
lars worth of property in error; and,
WHEREAS, The tax collector of the Second Election Dis-
trict and the County Treasurer of said county, respectively,
did during the years aforesaid collect from the said William
Satterfield a sum of money equal to eighteen and three-fourths
cents on the one hundred dollars from and including the year
1877 to and including the year 1887, and seventeen and three-
fourths cents on the one hundred dollars from and including
the year 1888 to and including the year 1895 on the aforesaid
erronous assessment of six thousand six hundred and eighty
dollars, and have paid the same into the Treasury of the
State, which amounts in the aggregate to the sum of one hun-
dred and nine dollars and seventy-eight cents; therefore,
Refund a sum
of money to
Calvin and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be and is hereby
authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon the Treas-
urer of this State in favor of Calvin Satterfield and Lawrence
Satterfield, executors of William C. Satterfield, for the sum
of one hundred and nine dollars and seventy-eight cents,
being the amount paid by him into the Treasury of the State
for the years 1877 to 1895, inclusive, (except for the year
1881, which year the State tax has not been paid).
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1900.
AN ACT to prohibit the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Talbot
County from issuing license to any person, company of
circus riders or equestrian performers or to any person or